Questions tagged [mvc]

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22 votes
6 answers

What is helper in Magento?

What is helper in Magento? In what cases should one use and not use helpers?
Supersonic's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

Request flow of Magento 2

Their is a lot of fuss going about Magento 2, concept like Namespaces etc has been incorporated into it. I am just curious to know how REQUEST flow has been handled in Magento 2, can somebody give me ...
Dimag Kharab's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Soap API - How to get request by Limit 10 based on pagination?

I am getting products list using catalogProductList, its taking too long time to return the values(see screenshot) actually my products count is 24K, how can i run by using limit 10 and if i click ...
zus's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Where does Magento 2 URL Segment Parsing Happen

In Magento 2 routing, the system parses the URL segments into three sections module-or-front/segment2/segment3 Which specific class file does this happen in? Put another way, the request object has ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is Magento based on 3 tier architecture?

I want to know few things: Is magento based on 3 tier architecture? Is it free from SQL-Injection, cross-site-scripting, CRLF injection attacks and SSI attacks?
user1799722's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Where’s The V in Magento's MVC? And is there better name?

When you look at the Magento directory structure, the C for ‘controller’ and the M for Model are easily identified as files and classes. But where are the Views and what are they?
fris's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Best practice for location of a class

I've created a Magento 2 module and I set up a class that extends Magento\Framework\DataObject that I'm using to pass data between my helper (e.g. Package\Module\Helper\Data) and model (e.g. Package\...
jared_flack's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Magento Call a function of Model in Controller

I have a function abc in a model. I want to call that function abc in the controller. I am new to Magento and don't have any idea regarding this. Can anybody tell me how to do this?
Hitu Bansal's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Magento 2 follows MVVM architecture or MVC architechure?

I am understanding the logic behind working in separate folders in Magento 2 and came across bundle of articles talking about same thing in different ways. Some explain MVC logic behind it and some ...
Ajwad Syed's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How does Magento MVC differ from classical MVC / Zend Framework MVC? [closed]

How does Magento MVC differ from classical MVC or Zend Framework MVC? Any explanation will be appreciated.
Sukeshini's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Pre-requisites of Magento Learning [closed]

I've been diving into Magento for last 3 months. I've understood pretty much the app/design-- part of it. But now when i try to look into module development, that look like a really scary part. I've ...
anwartheravian's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Pass variable from controller to model

I have spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to pass variables from my controller to my model. I am trying to build a very simple product filter that takes some form inputs and builds ...
Alex Chastain's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Easy MVC question about the Magento controllers/observers methods

I've created a Magento plugin with a simple admin html observer: This file looks like this: //File: /Model/Adminhtml/Observer.php class Aaa_Bbb_Model_Adminhtml_Observer { public function ...
user3310748's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

In Magento model do we have business logic or a controller?

I have read so many documentation about MVC. But I am still confused regarding the business logic in Magento. Can you please help me to explain business login in Magento with an example ?
Vipul Jethva's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

how to delete media image after we delete product in magento2?

As image plays an important role in page load time,Need to delete image too after delete of product from admin panel in Magento 2
Rohit's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Where and what is the best way to create utility function in Magento?

I would like to ask for example I have a function doSomething() which will be used by one or more other files, where is the best place to put it? As of now, I put everything in Data.php (helper class)...
MagentoUser's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

why there are block,controller, model directories in magento module?

Can anyone explain why should we write our code in different directories while creating module? Can't we just write our block code in controller? if we put our model,block files in controller .will ...
user5962477's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Where does Magento keeps it's business logic?

I went through some articles which describes Magento architecture. As we all knows Magento uses MVC ( Model-View-Controller ) architecture. It separates the business logic, data access layer and ...
Sukeshini's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Magento Model - View - Controller - how that works in short? [duplicate]

can anyone describe me in short version how Magento works with MVC, models i somehow understand, but how view and controllers in magento are diffrerent than in onther mvc systems? magento says that ...
user6398's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to override magento 1.9 newsletter model subscriber.php?

I'm trying to add first name and last name on my newsletter subscription. I would like to override the newsletter core functions of the controller and the subscriber model. Here is my code: config.xml ...
rodge's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Can I create ecommerce Website using plainphp + soap API + Magento

Can I create eCcommerce Website using plainphp or any php MVC framework + soap API + Magento
Atul Bhalerao's user avatar