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Magento 2 custom popup not work when click of 'Proceed to Checkout'

I have created the custom Popup and open the popup when click on process to checkout in minicart. login popup not work when click on 'Proceed to Checkout' after the login customer account.It's work ...
sky's user avatar
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Magento 2:Add another new Custom mini-cart?

I want to add new Minicart like shown in the following screenshot, using KnockOut Js, Give me some logic how can I cater to this problem
Muhammad Abdullah's user avatar
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Override Minicart to show in modal Magento v2.3.3

When i click on the 'action showcart' of the minicart it is displayed in a 'dropdownDialog' just above. This is normal operation Now I want to display the whole minicart in a modal which is displayed ...
devmagento's user avatar
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Change button text in modal popup minicart

When I remove an item in the Minicart, a modal popup pops up. This popup has two buttons: Cancel and OK. I want to change these strings to No and Yes, but I can't find the code where the modal is ...
Maarten Wolfsen's user avatar