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Questions tagged [migration]

Questions about migrating data between different Magento installations or from another shop system. For Magento 1 => Magento 2 data migration, use magento2-migration-tool

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Magento 2.3 - After migration from 1.9 to 2.3 vendor/magento files missing

After migration from Magento to Magento 2.3.4 most of the files missing from vendor/magento. But all the files located under app/code/Magento Is this safe, shall i run my Magento 2.3.4 in this ...
zus's user avatar
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Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'XXX-XXX' for key 'EAV_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_SET_ID_ATTRIBUTE_ID'

Preconditions Migrating from Magento Migrating to Magento 2.3.5-p1 using Data Migration Tool Steps to reproduce Run Settings migration as usual Run Data migration as usual Expected result ...
araujophillips's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Data Migration not migrating customers

I migrated my data, but the customer table was not moved from M1 to M2. I executed these commands: php bin/magento migrate:settings vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-commerce/1.9.4....
Black's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.3 migration from - Setting migration error

Magento 2.3.3 migrate from Magento getting an error, In Config.php line 70: Invalid config filename: vendor\magento\data-migration-tool\etc\opensource- to-opensource\\config.xml ...
zus's user avatar
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Migrating from Magneto 1 to Magento 2

I migrated all my settings, products etc from M1 to M2 recently. Our old site has while developing our new M2 site gained new customers and products. So what would happen if I choose to migrate my ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to migrate from Shopify to Magento 2?

I'm having many clients migrating from Shopify to Magento 2, and the data migration usually happens via ERP, but for some clients, it's not possible. How could I import to my Magento 2 the Shopify ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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Can migration to magento2 break live magento1 site?

We plan on migrating soon and I want to try out the migration tool. It worked fine with a dump of our live website db, but that's bad practice since delta won't work this way. Can the migration ...
Badong's user avatar
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Magento Data Migration Tool claims catalog_product_entity table does not exist?

I'm upgrading from Magento 1.8.1 to Magento 2.3.3. So far, I have the data migration tools installed and the proper config.xml set with all proper configurations. I haven't touched the map.xml file, ...
rmc's user avatar
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After Migration inventory_source_item table is empty magneto 2

This Table ( inventory_source_item ) is Empty and which all my product show out of stock, Can anyone, please help me solve this issue
DK Thakur's user avatar
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Magento M1 -> M2 migration, Class eav/entity_attribute_backend_array does not exist error

After migrating Magento 1 products to Magento 2 I get this error in backend when opening products: {"0":"Class eav/entity_attribute_backend_array does not exist","1":"#1 Magento\Framework\Code\...
M2user's user avatar
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Magento 1 to Magento 2 Data Migration - migrate:data General error: 1419

I've got a problem with migrating data from Magento to Magento 2.3.2 in migrate:data. In step: Stage I've got General error 1419 and I don't know how to fix it.
kubaJS's user avatar
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Migrate Magento 1.14 EE to 1.9 CE [duplicate]

I need to migrate magento 1.14 EE to 1.9 CE. Can anyone tell me the steps to perform thanks.
NAVEEN KUMAR's user avatar
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Migration error Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as

[![enter image description here][1]][1][![enter image description here][2]][2]I am trying to migrate data from magento 1 to magento 2. Magento 1 is on and magento 2 is on domains. I am ...
Charanjeet's user avatar
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Best Way To Magento 2 Installation

I am planning to migrate the Magento from 1 to 2. so, I like to install the Magento2 first, then the Magento 2 installation I found the following procedures 1) Using composer 2) Git clone. 3) Using ...
senthil's user avatar
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Disable Data Integrity Step in Migration

I got below error while I am trying to Migrate from Magento1 to Magento2. Foreign key (FK_EAV_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_EAV_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_ID) constraint fails on source database. Orphan ...
abu abu's user avatar
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How do i magento2 migrate setting from from magento to magento2.2.6 , I am using CE and working on windows machine wamp server

i am new to magento using the below command and got the issue as below E:\wamp\www\magento226>php bin\magento migrate:setting -r vendor\magento\data-migration-tool\etc\opensourse-to-opensourse\1.9.0....
Shiva Gadupudi's user avatar
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Magento 1.3 requirements

I have an old website that runs magento 1.3 and i'm trying to move it to another server, but I can't find the system requirements of magento 1.3. IT's currently using php 5.2, I'm wondering if it ...
Mariam Ghalleb's user avatar
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Getting "Could not read config file" error during product save

I've Migrated Magento1 to Magento2.2.5, when I updated a product either changing any field or not then getting "Could not read config file" error:- Please visit on below screenshot for the same :- ...
Wakar Ahamad's user avatar
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Error 500 after magento migration

The magento was installed in a testing environment. 1 - I copied all files from the folder and uploaded it to the production server folder. 2 - I exported the database and imported it into the ...
Vanderson de Castro's user avatar
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Magento 1 migration to magento V-2.2 [duplicate]

I would like to migrate from Magento V-1.x to Magento V-2.x using an index.php instead of the composer.json. Is there any helpful links, pages, or tips on how to do such a migration. I was reading ...
Mike's user avatar
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Add value in DB table (Migration)

I need to insert a value into the database. The table already exists, just insert one more And I need Insert 9 newcode newcode_title I created new file mysql4-upgrade-0.7.9-0.8.0.php And it ...
Павел Кушнеревич's user avatar
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Problem with order id after migrating from Magento 1 to 2

Problems with increment_id We just migrated from magento 1 to 2, and when we did a purchase test, the new orders instead follow the continuation of the last id, started from the beginning. Example ...
Yakelin Rivero Rivero's user avatar
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what steps I need to follow if I want to migrate my 1.9.x theme to 2.x

I want to migrate my old magento theme to a new Magento 2.x version. What I can do or how I can start with this process.
Robert's user avatar
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How properly migrate Magento to a new server

I could not make Magento 2 work on a new server by copying the backup and DB and installing all required software. No links working for me from the homepage, as if something wrong with rewriting, and ...
Leech's user avatar
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How much time takes to migrate from Magento CE to Magento EE?

I have a Magento CE live site with some 10 modules and 15 third party modules and now I want to migrate to EE edition. Can anyone tell me how much approx time it will takes and step of how to migrate ...
BornCoder's user avatar
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3 answers

Images missing on front-end

I've been migrating products from Magento 1.7 to 2.1 using a series of scripts I've written. The image migration stage appeared to work correctly - the images were copied into their relevant ...
Geat's user avatar
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On try to access product in admin I get "Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Uploader_Block_Multiple' not found in ../Block/Media/Uploader.php on line 39"

I pulled whole site from a git repo. Now I am getting this message when I try to access product in admin: Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Uploader_Block_Multiple' not found in /Applications/XAMPP/...
Vladimir Despotovic's user avatar
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Magento migration error - dbModel read resource does not implement Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract

After migrated a Magento(CE 1.9.1) website from Apache server to Nginx server, i am getting error in frontend: dbModel read resource does not implement Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract But admin panel is ...
bindal09's user avatar
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Magento Data MIgration Tool for to 2 - Mismatch of entities in the document

I'm trying to upgrade to Magento 2, but hit another roadblock. I'm currently getting an error of [ERROR]: Mismatch of entities in the document: eav_attribute_group What is my next step for ...
cire's user avatar
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Website is not redirecting to respective domain name

When the site (only database not the full theme) is migrated to hosting environment(Nexcess) and even after changing the base urls in the core_config_data the site is not available. It is displaying ...
Ramya's user avatar
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Bizarre login redirect to parallel instance after site migration

We recently had our website migrated to a different hosting company. The host performed the migration for us, we just had to do something with DNS. After the day or two, it was all good it seemed. ...
timburrtremor's user avatar
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Migrate database from Enterprise to Community Edition

I'm in the process of downgrade from Enterprise 1.14 to Community. I have seen this post What I want to do is do a fresh ...
Natalie's user avatar
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Upgrading to Magento 2

I recently started a Magento website that now has around 250 products. Whilst developing this, Magento 2 came out and I'm very keen to migrate my products and categories over to it. I've tried ...
Liam McArthur's user avatar
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I want to migrate a Magento site to a new url that is on the same server

I have a Magento site on and want to transfer it to on the same server, nothing is changing but the branding and the url. Can someone please give me a hand? Thanks in advance, sorry ...
Mat's user avatar
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Fresh build of new Magento store

I am starting over on a busy Magento store. New fresh installation with no additions installed so only the bits that are required are installed, keeping everything lean and clean. Once this site is ...
robgt's user avatar
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migration- except home page all pages redirecting to old domain

we are migrating from one domain to another domain. usually we will foloow the procedure of "open the database file in notepadd++ software and find and replace old-doamin-name to new-domain-name. ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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Magento Connect no longer works after migration

I moved a site from a dev server to production and Magento Connect no longer works. I've seen several posts on the /downloader/perlib fix but I'm using 1.9.1 and that file isn't there.
Matthew McLennan's user avatar
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New Install using Old Database

My company has a slow magento site that we want to start over on, without re-entering a lot of the information, eg: All types of products (over 3000 in 4 stores) All attributes Customer Records ...
Steven J's user avatar
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Who are some affordable ($500/m) Magento Ready Website Hosting Providers? [closed]

Our IS Department has been tasked with finding a website hosting solution that is Magento ready. Our budget is approximately $500.00 monthly, enabling us to move away from all of our current hosting ...
IT Admin's user avatar
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Transfered Magento website to a VPS and now I have an error [duplicate]

Unsure how I can remedy this situation. Could this be because I need to update the PHP? Here is the error report I am getting. By the way, how would I read this report so I understand what its asking ...
Homero Miranda's user avatar
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Magento relaunch: Migration of live and test databases

our agency has a local magento test environment. Database was a clone from a day XY in the past. Since then, the old, live magento has got new customers, new orders. Do you have some tips for ...
webDa's user avatar
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Is it possible to update only EE core by CE core?

We have bought Magento EE more than year ago. Now we decided to break the contract couse it too expensive for us. At the same time we can still use EE but without any support certainly. I have ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Magento Category Movement

All the new category changes are done on staging server, and now i wanted to move it to live. I cannot move complete database, since both the database are not synchronized and i don't want to loss ...
Trimantra Software Solution's user avatar
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Magento 1.4.2 migrate customer data to new website

We would like to migrate our customer accounts from one website to another (new domain and company). edit: It isn't a new domain/company, but a different domain/company name. We basically would like ...
user5814's user avatar
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Migration to Magento from Cubecart without loosing Google Rankings

I want to migrate my e-store to Magento from Cubecart. The domain will remain the same. But i want to keep my Google Rankings at least for the most popular URLS. I try to fix this ...
Nikitas's user avatar
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Downgrading Adobe Commerce to Open Source

What would be the steps to safely downgrade the database of an Adobe Commerce project to Open Source?
Raul Sanchez's user avatar
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How to migrate a Magento 2 single store to a Magento 2 multi store

What is the best method to migrate all data (Orders, Customers, Catalog, Attributes) from a single Magento 2 store instance to a new Magento 2 Multi store instance? What is the process? or extension ...
AlfredoGM's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 to Magento 2.4 migration

Im currently switching servers and have installed a fresh Magento installation under version 2.4.3-p3. Our current store runds on magento 2.3.x. I want to migrate all customer data aswell as order ...
Marcel H.'s user avatar
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Moving from working prod Magento 2 install to local docker all white screens everywhere. No errors anywhere

We have a working prod version of Magento running at Nexcess. We are trying to debug an integration and want to get it running locally. We've pulled down all the production files and db and have them ...
John W.'s user avatar
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How to upgrade from magento 2 CE to Magento 2 EE?

I hope you're doing well. I'm currently working on a Magento 2 CE based project, and I've run into a challenge. Specifically, for upgrading from magento 2 CE to Magento 2 EE. Has anyone suggestion or ...
Mohd Shakeel's user avatar

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