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Questions related to Message Queue in Magento 2 EE

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Usage of queue.xml in Magento 2.4.x?

In my RabbitMQ implementation, I've been working with the following XML files: communication.xml queue_topology.xml queue_consumer.xml queue_publisher.xml However, I recently came across another ...
MagePsycho's user avatar
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Is the coupon usage limitation broken in general due to async update?

We have coupons which should be usable only once. In my integration tests I was able to use them twice. I found out, that this is linked to the queue runners. When I start the queue consumers locally, ...
Alex's user avatar
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Send data from Magento to ERP using RabbitMQ

I need to integrate Magento 2 with Odoo ERP by sending new orders from the first platform to the last. Shortly, when an order is placed, I need to make it available to the ERP system that will ...
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Magento 2 spawns many consumers per queue over time

I'm using many queues and configure Magento to use separate consumers for every queue. It works well. But every few days it probably misses all consumer locks and spawns new processes for all queues. ...
Alexander  Pravdin's user avatar
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Magento 2 How to unlock the consumer

We are using Magento 2.4.5-p5 EE and RabbitMQ message broker. The exportProcessor consumer is not consuming messages from the queue automatically (cron job consumers_runner is running every minute), ...
Vishwanath Kharabe's user avatar
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Can someone explain correct answer about this message queue question?

what is the correct answer in this question? An Architect is working to implement Adobe Commerce into a pre-built ecosystem in a company. Communication between different company domains uses event-...
Muhammad Hossain's user avatar
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How to make a queue available for 3rd party systems to consume

I need to create a message queue in Magento and expose it to the 3rd-party system. As I understand, it is required to create communication.xml, queue_publisher.xml, and queue_topology.xml files - so ...
G0sha's user avatar
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Magento 2 + How Delete 50 products with images in a single time with creating custom consumer::queue?

I have 1lac products in Magento, I want to delete the products based on some condition like if the product is disabled, but if we delete all products in a single time using corn the server can crash. ...
Utsav Gupta's user avatar
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Magento 2 Mysql message queue not consuming the request

I am using Magento 2.4 cloud. I've created a mysql asynchronous queue for order processing by following the link below. ...
Jancy Abraham's user avatar
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AWS MQ with Magento 2.4 Open Source

Is it enough to update the env.php file queue section to setup AWS MQ (Rabbit MQ as the messaging broker - version 3.9.13) Magento 2 version is M2.4.5 Setup the cron. I have done the below change in ...
Yogita's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.5 Missing exchange field error after Upgrade

After upgrading from 2.4.4 to 2.4.5 I am seeing the following error in admin when I try and save a product : Missing exchange field for publisher product_action_attribute.update in connection config. ...
paj's user avatar
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How to run queue consumers

I want to use the media gallery image optimization.I read in the doc that I have to tun the I tried with the next command bin/magento queue:consumers:start media....
Camilo Torres's user avatar
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Magento 2 Message Queue - Type Error with expected string, null given

First of all, I am not new to Magento 2 development, I know how to create modules. However, I struggle for 3 days now to get a simple Message Queue in Magento 2 to work. Here are my XML files: ...
hallleron's user avatar
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Queue Consumer not starting automatically (third party integration)

We are doing PIM integration (Inriver Integration) and as per its working when we trigger a bulk sync from PIM(Inriver) to Magento, PIM(Inriver) calls various Magento APIs in asynchronous way. So, in ...
Narendra Vyas's user avatar
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Why my Magento Cloud suddenly show DI generation issue?

I didn't deploy anything for 1 month on my Magento Cloud, but I started to see this error message in my var/log folder. [2022-03-27 00:16:06] report.CRITICAL: Can't create directory /app/avycv8hfbkyv1/...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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What if publishing message doesn't require any data to be passed?

When working with message queues we define a topic. The request or a schema argument is required. But what if I don't need any parameters to be passed in? I can't really pass a null or a void in there;...
pro100tom's user avatar
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RabbitMQ doesn't have any queue, how to solve it?

I have RabbitMQ installed and configured, but when I run this command below I receive a message saying No items. python3 /usr/bin/rabbitmqadmin --host rabbitmq -u username -p ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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How to delete a message in message_queue where the message is processed?

I'm try to create a message queue example by find some example on internet (i.e, here is the consumer class <?php namespace ...
hkguile's user avatar
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The connection timed out after 3 sec while awaiting incoming data from bluk import apis

I'm getting following error during use of bulk async import apis. The connection timed out after 3 sec while awaiting incoming data I've followed the magento dev docs for using for bulk import (Api) *...
Amit Maurya's user avatar
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Retrieving queued messages

Is there a way to retrieve queued messages in 2.4 code wise without the need to depend on what queue type is used (RabbitMq or db queue) for a specific topic? I know that when using the db queue ...
Marius's user avatar
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How to find the queue of CSV to export?

I'm running a Magento 2 Commerce and trying to export it via admin panel it didn't work, it seems like it's running forever in the background. How could I check the export queue and clean it? Is it ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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How to clear queued email messages so they don't send

While moving from M1 to M2 a number of sales-related emails are generated and stack up in the queue. I don't want these messages to be sent to customers regarding "old" orders. How can I ...
gnicko's user avatar
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Magento2: what is the purpose of having db_schema_whitelist.json?

I'm looking for some sort of explanation for the below topics but I'm not able to find the exact answers on the internet. What is the need for db_schema_whitelist.json? (I have read that this file ...
MagentoDev's user avatar
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Does the default Magento 2.4.2 Require RabbitMQ Asynchronous message queueing?

Does Magento 2.4.2 (2.4.x) open source REQUIRE asynchronous message queueing (and thus installation of RabbitMQ) by default? I was under the impression that 'asynchronous message queueing' is an ...
Ray's user avatar
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Observer for mass product attribute queues

I would like to do some extra custom actions after a product price is changed. I was thinking to use the catalog_product_save_after event when a mass price update is done from the Product Grid -> ...
Attila Naghi's user avatar
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What is max_messages proper value for running message queue using cron job?

I'm using Magento 2.4.1, and this is my message queue configuration in app/etc/env.php 'queue' => [ 'consumers_wait_for_messages' => 0 ], 'cron_consumers_runner' => [ 'cron_run' => ...
jojo's user avatar
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Run controller in background Magento 2.3

How can I run controller in background? I read about Message Queues and Deferred Actions, but it is hard for me to understand how it works and which should I use. For now it is implemented like this: ...
LeTeeL's user avatar
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Avoid getting old data from customerRegistry in queue runner

We have a Magento 2 Queue Job which loads a customer /** @var \Magento\Customer\Model\ResourceModel\CustomerRepository */ $this->customerRepository->getById($this->customerId)); Now we ...
Alex's user avatar
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RabbitMQ - Why I see only async.operations.all in queue list?

I'm a little bit frustrated with Magento 2 queue for RabbitMQ. I have setup RabbitMQ, my env.php has such lines 'queue' => [ 'consumers_wait_for_messages' => 1, 'amqp' => [ '...
freento's user avatar
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consumers_wait_for_messages not adhered to

I'm trying to run my message queue consumer in a cronjob but the process never exits which means my cronjob never exits either. Looking at the docs
benjick's user avatar
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Magento 2 not spawning consumer processes i DB (RabbitMQ)

I have setup Magento 2.4 with RabbitMQ. You can see my configuration here. 'queue' => [ 'amqp' => [ 'host' => '', 'port' => '53003', 'user' => '...
puntable's user avatar
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Magento 2.4 Message queue issue with Mass actions

We have install magento 2.4 successfully with Rabbitmq Server 3.8.8. All seems to work fine in server side. But in admin when we try to update product attributes with magento native process we have ...
G. G.'s user avatar
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fwrite(): send of 21 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe

I am using custom RabbitMQ message queues in custom Magento 2 extension. When i run consumer using the following command: sudo php bin/magento  queue:consumers:start custom.json.update Consumer works ...
Pandurang Babar's user avatar
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How to move Magento core queues to RabbitMQ?

Magento has some core queues like: catalog_product_removed_queue codegenerator export inventory.mass.update inventory.reservations.cleanup inventory.reservations.update inventory.source.items.cleanup ...
udogan's user avatar
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why message queue consumer never exiting when --max-messages specified?

I'm using Magento 2.3.4 with RabbitMQ configured in the env.php to process my message queues, I start consumer using: bin/magento queue:consumers:start ConsumerName --max-messages 1 But the consumer ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do I need RabbitMQ?

Magento 2 offers easy integration to RabbitMQ, but why and when do I need RabbitMQ installed in my store?
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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How the message queues schedule works?

I just configured my message queues to run via RabbitMQ, but I don't know the schedule and frequency of these processes. How could I check the schedule and change the number of processes to be ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
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Price not updating on front end after API product update

I have an issue in that whenever I update a product price using the asynchronous endpoint POST http://base.test/rest/all/async/V1/products (running Rabbit MQ), the price does not change on the ...
Magento Moon's user avatar
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Is it possible to disable Magento Message Queues

It seems that Magento 2.3 introduced the concept of message queues where certain jobs like bulk product updates, exports and some sales rule functionality is now processed asynchronously via these ...
Mark H's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 CE: Remove/Disable RabbitMQ feature completely

Does anyone know any way to disable/remove RabbitMQ from Magento 2.3.3 as this involves queues like product_action_attribute.update , and exportProcessor? ...
sandip's user avatar
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How to debug Magento 2.3 queue's consumers with Xdebug?

I'm working with a Magento 2 queue at the moment. To debug Magento 2 console scripts I normally just hit 'listen to external connections' in PHPstorm and execute the CLI script (i'm using Valet+ with ...
Tjitse's user avatar
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How to requeue message queue if something happen wrong

I am implementing message queue for my system. I want to know that how can i requeue any queue if something goes wrong or suppose my api didnt give me response as i wish so i want to send that message ...
Hitesh Agrawal's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.2 CE and Cron jobs, flock and RabbitMQ

Last few days I was chasing an interesting bug in production system running Magento 2.3.2 CE Where as per community recommendation I run cron jobs like this flock --timeout=0 /run/lock/...
Anton Boritskiy's user avatar
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How can I skip queue messages and display action happend message in magento2.3?

I am doing bulk update attribute from admin side in magento2. I am not getting message of 'attribute has been updated' something like as. I am getting below message which is attached in screen shot ....
Ansar Husain's user avatar
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"Error while checking if topic is synchronous" on setup:upgrade

While upgrading a 2.2.8 database to 2.3.2 I got this error today: Schema post-updates: Module 'Magento_Store': ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
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Magento 2 - RabbitMQ Message has been rejected: Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet

I'm using RabbitMQ as message broker as publisher/subscriber, but sometimes I receive the following error: Message has been rejected: Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=5987 in /var/...
Mirko Rapisarda's user avatar
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What is the use of the merger class in Magento Message queue?

Can someone kindly explain the use of the Merger class when using Magento Message queue framework? Also, why is there no default merger class ?
Olubajo Bolaji's user avatar
27 votes
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Consumer "async.operations.all" skipped as required connection "amqp" is not configured. Unknown connection name amqp

Since I upgraded from Magento 2.2.7 to Magento 2.3.1 I am getting this message in the system.log file: main.INFO: Consumer "async.operations.all" skipped as required connection "amqp" is not ...
RaFr's user avatar
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Bulk Operations Exception: Message queue topic "example.topic" is not configured

I am trying to implement Bulk Operations in Magento 2.3.1 using the docs here as a reference. When I call scheduleBulk on the BulkManagementInterface the operation is saved and can be viewed from the ...
mage_dev's user avatar
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Bulk products using rest Api with Rabbitmq custom queue

I want to create custom module in magento 2.3 beta to track the publisher message and processing message in consumer
P Ramulu's user avatar
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