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Event Observer for import with magmi

I created an event observer to report the creation of new magento products, but the observer doesn't work when the products are created by importing Magmi. My magento version is This is the ...
Mastafis's user avatar
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Magmi Keeps Asking for Login

I use Magmi with Magento 1.9 for a few years now. All of a sudden, no matter what I do, press “run” or “save profile”, Magmi sends me to the login page. Help anyone? Thanks
liaroro's user avatar
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Magmi seems to update correctly but products grid doesn't reflect changes

Magmi says for updating products two columns are necessary: sku store As it's not obvious what store should contain I use store code which is english. I went for updating two products as following: ...
revo's user avatar
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Magmi importing product attributes with custom made group not taking values

Magmi product attributes in "custom made group" not taking values even after clearing cashes and reindexing.
Monty Nabeel's user avatar
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magmi : I need to import (and assign) 7000+ attribute_code Values through csv

magmi : I need to import (and assign) 7000+ attribute_code Values through csv. My issue is that the format of magmi csv is Attribute names should be horizontaly column wise(7000+ cols) and values ...
Monty Nabeel's user avatar
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Products not showing in backend

I use magmi to import products from external sites which is working and has done for many years. The problem is that for some reason new products have stopped showing in the Magento admin panel. I ...
Mike Tim Turner's user avatar
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Magmi Root Category Creation

I have one store (base) and I need to create another root category to test a new strucutre out so my plan was to create a new Root Category and then tell magmi to import into that... No such luck. I'...
WebDevB's user avatar
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Magmi skips multiple select attributes

I was using Magmi for the past two years. I just processed the Magento update from 1.9.1 to 1.9.3. Since I did the update, Magmi ignores the multiple select columns and the invalid columns (i.e. the ...
clementgamache's user avatar
4 votes
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Upload File From Magmi

Is there a way to customize the Magmi plugin so that an import.csv can be added directly from the browser? Currently, we are using FTP but it is not practical for our admin to be logging in and out ...
Pragman's user avatar
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Magmi Ignore Entire Column - Not just specific rows inside a column

I know Magmi has this page about their "MAGMI_IGNORE" function, but it don't think it will work for my purposes. My goal is to use specific columns with the CONCATENATE function (in google sheets / ...
Steven J's user avatar
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Use Array of Custom Product Attributes to Create Unordered List

My current scenario: I am given a spreadsheet similar to what we used to import products to Amazon. In this spreadsheet are multiple columns for Amazon's "bullet points" area. These are then combined ...
Steven J's user avatar
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Magmi Multi-Store Categories Import Error

I need to assign categories for my multistore, CSV : Store : Magmi Error:
zus's user avatar
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Import bulk products with custom atributes fail

I am trying to upload 100 products at once with custom attributes from backend. First I have downloaded some products I created with custom attributes to know how can I create csv. Now I have the ...
Vivianita21's user avatar
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Permanent category order

How can I make the order of magento categories permanent so it doesn't change every time I import with magmi? I was thinking of reassigning each category with the position value but I can't seem to ...
NetCoder's user avatar
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magmi product import problem

I imported the csv file named magmi.csv which is new one containing only 3 rows. But,the magmi importer imports from previous magmi.csv file which had 624 rows. What might be the issue on this. Please ...
sagar sapkota's user avatar
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Magmi not importing first media_gallery image

I'm using magmi 0.7.22 in a Magento I need to import several images, and replace all the current images by the new ones. I'm trying first with on single product and I see that it is working ...
Alex's user avatar
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Magmi error: “SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory -”

When I try to update pricing for a group of products with an existing .csv in my Magento store Magmi display this error: How to debug and fix this? There's only one php version
Karts's user avatar
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Magento Magmi import products CSV reindex not working

I've used Magmi to import bulk products to Magento Store and all fine but when the import finishes the reindex plugin ( Magmi Magento Reindexer v1.0.3a) not working I've to use PHP CLI command php-cli,...
mahmoudismail's user avatar
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MAGMI import stops at the first line

Im using the latest version of magmi on my installation (magento When I run a import to update a single attribute it stops on 1. It also says 'Initialized attribute_set_infos!' Has anyone ...
MyStackExchange's user avatar
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Short description can not be edited by Magmi

Through Magmi I made a mass import. I did a test by adding to the field short_description the value 'test test test' Then I added the correct values with a second import. But this happens From here ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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MAGMI_RUN unable to find .CSV file

MAGMI has been successfully set up on my Magento environment (and Magento was set up via MS's web platform installer and is kicked off via MS's Webmatrix), and I can use it quite happily to import ...
Err1's user avatar
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Inventory does not match between FE and BE

I use MAGMI to import and manage inventory of products in magento 1.9.3. Many items show in_stock and qty > 0 in admin but display as out of stock on the front end, saving the product on the admin ...
Eugene Lorman's user avatar
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Magmi Import 'price' Update Issue

So, after doing a Magmi Import to a product with 'price' included, whilst looking through the product catalog in the back-end of Magento, it will appear as if the product hasn't been changed (price ...
ne0nlight's user avatar
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Magmi Configurable Price

I'm importing configurable items with Magmi 0.7.23 and I want the price of the options to pull from the price of the underlying simple item. In the Magmi documentation, they say Set price to 12 ...
Haim's user avatar
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Magmi category creator does not work with options

I am importing ~5000 products into our Magento 1.9 via Magmi 0.7.22 without major issues. The categories shall not be active so I set the is_active flag in the categories column to 0: [myroot]/CatA1::...
Anse's user avatar
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Magento Magmi Multiselect import not working

I can't seem to get the Magmi version: 0.7.22 (just upgraded) to import multiple values into a multiselect attribute. Magento 1.9.3 (unless someone can show me magmi working in magento 2.x) This is ...
user1005246's user avatar
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Magento Secure Magmi from unauthorized access using htaccess

I'm using below htaccess file to prevent unauthorized access to Magmi. /{root_path}/{magmi_dir}/.htaccess Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from this ...
Shyam's user avatar
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Magmi not importing images [closed]

I use magmi for importing images from a remote url. The images are downloaded and placed in media/catalog/products/subfolders but none of the products have images on either front or backend. I have ...
Dennis W's user avatar
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Magmi Image path not found [closed]

I am uploading 1000 products to Magento 1.9 using Magmi's Image Attributes Processor and receive the following error SKU 3800231 - Image attributes processor v1.0.33 - path/853698004078.jpg cannot ...
wlin's user avatar
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Magento Magmi upload error [closed]

I tried to upload product through magmi. After run import i got an error SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out How can i fix this
Magento 2's user avatar
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Configurable product not linking simple products when using Magmi [closed]

I am using the following headers, which I believe are fine: sku|attribute_set|type|super_attribute_pricing|simple_skus|configurable_attributes|var_sku test11|Medlinev01|simple||||1 ...
HawkEye's user avatar
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Magento Import multiple custom options using magmi [closed]

I want to import two custom option for single product in magento using magmi.
shyopat's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Magmi/MAP Pricing

We're uploading 3k+ products via Magmi and have run scripts to create rules and exclude certain categories. We have a separate .csv with MAP pricing for certain SKUs. Thoughts on how to apply the ...
Komal Jain's user avatar
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Magmi blank page while importing products [closed]

I am using Magmi on a regular basis to mass import products. Unfortunately, every 100-like products the application freezes as shown on the following image: The "solution" I found so far is to ...
clementgamache's user avatar
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Importing product names with special characters using Magmi

I am trying to import products using Magmi. Some of the products include special characters, such as é, à, etc. When I import the products, I get the following error for the items that have the ...
clementgamache's user avatar
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How can i choose more than one category of product import using magmi [closed]

How can i choose more than one category of product import using magmi
Gem's user avatar
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How can i configure magmi and import bulk images [duplicate]

How can I configure MAGMI for my site, and how to use it for the bulk images import, and products.
Gem's user avatar
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Integrity constraint violation on import

I used the following code to clear all my products and unused attribute values in order to make a fresh re-import with the final CSVs: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; TRUNCATE TABLE `...
Artemis Chaitidis's user avatar
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How can i solve Magmi - Update Disabled Error [closed]

When i try o upload images using magmi, i get error like,
Gem's user avatar
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Magmi is not changing attribute values [closed]

I use Magmi Datapump to import my products. However, it seems Magmi does not update products properly. If I import the array below, current values of product with sku 90324/13 remain unchanged: ...
Joey Gomes's user avatar
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How can i login magmi [closed]

How can i login magmi, am copy of the magmi folder into magento root folder, then go to, they ask username and password
Gem's user avatar
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Product images imported through magmi

I have Magento (CE1.9.2.4) store with 30K products. I use Magmi to import products from a csv datafeed everyday. The product images are provided in more than one sizes (200x200 to 2500x2500) by my ...
J.Corby's user avatar
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Import products with different currency

I'm currently running a Magento store using USD as my default currency. I want to import products from different providers into my store. Half of those providers are giving me CAD prices and the other ...
Joey's user avatar
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Magmi Logs and how to get better records [closed]

I'm almost done with a Import tool that can use Magmi API to update the products. What I'm looking for is a way to log the failed updates so if I need to build a 're'queue system, I will. This cron ...
Bill Murray's user avatar
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Open Magmi from Admin Dashboard plus ACL [closed]

I'm using Magento and Magmi 0.7.18. I'm opening Magmi (with login and password) using url like this : How to open Magmi as a menu in the admin ...
Andhi Irawan's user avatar
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Magmi: Attributes not being associated with attribute sets

I've successfully added attributes and attribute sets to the store I'm working on, however I'm running into trouble with creating associations between the attributes and attribute sets. When I check ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Magmi base image include in gallery being ignored

I'm using Magmi 0.7.21 and Magento CE with Magmi being run through the datapump API. When importing my products I'm making sure to have the "+" added in front of the base image path, but ...
gpcola's user avatar
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Magmi Import - Error Messages

I'm trying to import products from a CSV file and keep getting errors. The following 2 errors appear for each row in the CSV file. Seems (at least to me) that it could be a category issue?!?! Can ...
NotJay's user avatar
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set image using default for particular store view by code

Is there any method to set all image(thumb, small, base) using default value for particular store view. I got strange problem, I installed 2 languages magento, and one day all image in one store view ...
Ryo's user avatar
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Magmi import configurables don't associate simples

I'm using the magmi import tool for importing large products files. first I import the simples with this csv file: websites,store,type,attribute_set,sku,name,meta_title,meta_description,image,...
Sjoerd de Wit's user avatar