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Magento 2, how to add 'textbox' into 'cancel modal'?

Using magento 2.2, admin. I need to add textbox into dialog when confirm Cancel status in sale order.
Bong Channarith's user avatar
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Display frontend errors in popup modal

If there's a problem on the checkout, the error is displayed near the top, for 5 seconds and then it goes away. Most customers don't even see the message. Often, on smaller devices, the message isn'...
dawhoo's user avatar
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Magento 2 FancyBox Implementation for youtube videos

Am implementing fancybox in magento 2, which has been implemented in magento 1 but in M2.2x shows a require js implementation and I have done that so but still the issue persist. NOTE : The issue ...
Prathap Gunasekaran's user avatar
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How to close the popup modal after showing the success message in magento2

I need to close the popup modal in magento 2, In my js I have given button as false, I can open the popup, but falied to close it after showing the response messagePlease provide me a solution to ...
Jaisa's user avatar
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Failed to close the popup modal form in magento 2

I have created Popup modal form, the form is successfully submitted and showing response, but after showing response I need to close the popup modal but failed to close the popuup modal js file ...
Jaisa's user avatar
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Magento 2: Place an Order Checkout button popup box

Merry Christmas everyone. I have a question guys can you please teach me how to add a popup or modal upon clicking the "Place an Order" Button on the checkout page? Just correct me if I'm wrong ...
Toto Memeng's user avatar
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Change button text in modal popup minicart

When I remove an item in the Minicart, a modal popup pops up. This popup has two buttons: Cancel and OK. I want to change these strings to No and Yes, but I can't find the code where the modal is ...
Maarten Wolfsen's user avatar
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popup is not displayed in in magento2 admin grid

I'm a beginner on Magento and I'm stuck at the pop-up level, so I did the add action button and it works fine <actionsColumn name="actions" class="Managys\Pricing\Ui\Component\Listing\Column\...
lisa's user avatar
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How to empty the form before loading in magento 2

I have created popup modal using ajax and it works successfully. But once the form submitted, it saves in DB. But if I click again to perform action, It simply shows prefilled message instead of new ...
Jaisa's user avatar
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