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3 answers

Magento 2 : Pre fill Textarea Value

I added a text area in the admin form and want to show pre-defined text in that. So is it possible and How? $fieldset->addField( 'approval_note', 'textarea', ...
Krupali's user avatar
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How can I add block to a form element?

I want to customize category_form.xml in such a way so that, I can add custom block to the form element [say: Category Name]. Is there a way to add custom block to the Element?
user72528's user avatar
4 votes
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Negation in the imports link (UI component)

I've got the fieldset component in my custom UI-form: <fieldset name="default"> <settings> <label>Default</label> <collapsible>true</collapsible&...
Siarhey Uchukhlebau's user avatar
1 vote
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Form admin difference between formFactory and XML

I'm new in Magento 2 and I couldn't figure out what is the difference in doing a admin form module in PHP, calling a class and then using formFactory to create the form: <referenceContainer name="...
Arthur lauck do nascimento's user avatar