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Questions tagged [magento-]

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how to remove certain code from home page? where is the actual home page file in file manager or ftp? i had this malware attack. which inserted google ads code in my home page and whenever user browse through mobile or desktop they could not click my buttons but the ad opens, ...
danish idris's user avatar
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After migrate to PHP 7.0 i don't have image on my main page

can somebody help me, I migrate my magento 1.8 from php 5.4 to 7.0 and now have problem with show image on main page
Maksym Mashtaler's user avatar
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2 answers

Programmatically create new customer and assign current quote

I want to create customer programmatically and want to assign current login customer quote but unable to do that. Here is script, Please see and help me. // create customer $websiteId = Mage::app()-...
Amit Maurya's user avatar
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2 answers

I got hacked - Magento problem when applying patch

I have a store running magento and I got hacked. Someone accessed the admin page - and added a paypal account, probably using an XSS vulnerability. I applied the patches SUPEE-1533, SUPEE-5344,...
molunoluda's user avatar
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some strange errors at the botttom in site

our site is loading very very slow & if you scroll down to bottom of the page you can see these errors in image : how to fix this issue ?
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Magento index management getting error while reindex data

In magento version whenever i tried to reindex data it takes long time and after that it will display 500 Internal Server Error.
Bishal Neupane's user avatar
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I am getting error while uploading product, how can i fix that?

I have managed different stores in magento and different users for this also, i have managed different users for upload product for different store. When i try to upload product from main store then ...
Bishal Neupane's user avatar
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2 answers

How can i solve the issue but category page redirect to 404 not found page [closed]

Error on Category Url I couldn't find what's wrong with this, hope get solution for this error.
Bishal Neupane's user avatar
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2 answers

How to modify footer section of magento

How to modify and edit this getChildHtml functions because i want to add different html into footer section. <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('before_footer') ?> <?php echo $this->...
Bishal Neupane's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Magento rewrite issue with multi-language store setup and storecodes

currently I use a multi-language store setup with Magento 1.7 on a single domain. The URLs looks like this: For SEO ...
spakus's user avatar
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1 answer

Update Minimum Sale Quantity using the api

I've been trying to update the min sale qty field using the soap api. I can get it to update the qty and manage stock values. But can't get it to update the min sale qty or any other fields. <...
Brett's user avatar
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1 answer

No date part in '' found. Zend_Date->_calculate('set', false, NULL, 'en_US') in Magento

I have a magento store. When I go to "Sales > Shipment" from admin. here all shipments are listed. When I clicked on "View" link of to see shipment info of any order, it gives an error. It is showed ...
Shashank Kumrawat's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How to get recently viewed products by customer id?

I want to expose through a SOAP WS the most recently viewed items of a customer. How can I reach those items? I know they're stored in 'reports/product_index_viewed'; however, I don't know which is ...
Ramses's user avatar
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2 answers

Get shopping cart ID given customer ID

I'm trying to get the shopping cart ID given the customer ID, to expose it by SOAP API. Calling the web service with an ID 1 returns nothing. What am I missing here? Here's the code for the web ...
Ramses's user avatar
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1 answer

what is /media/catalog/product/N/o/NoImages100_184x.jpg and why is it growing?

We were running out of space on our server so we did a search for large files we could delete and found one in htdocs/media/catalog/product/N/o/ called "NoImages100_184x.jpg" which was 112MB. It was ...
Steve Tallent's user avatar
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Include CMS Block in Template includes HTML-Tag and Doctype [closed]

We have some problems when we include static cms blocks into the template with our Magento We include the cms block this way: <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')-...
user12411's user avatar