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How to add firebase cdn's in magento2?

I am trying to add add web push notification using firebase in my magento2 app. I tested it on a simple web application using following code. <html> <title>Firebase Messaging Demo</...
Usama Sohail's user avatar
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porto theme - critical.css file is not evaluated

Magento 2.3.6. We are trying to increase the pagespeed of the porto magento theme and we got recommendations to use critical css path. We followed up the instructions for critical css path: https://...
Savvas Radevic's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 Customer custom Attribute in email template

I have created some custom Customer attribute and added them in Customer registration form, everything is fine, except that when a successful registration email goes I want to send those attribute ...
NileshPlus91's user avatar
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Is it correct to use multiple Attribute Sets in one Category while uploading products? Magento 2

My Question is about Product Uploading! Is it the right practice to use multiple 'Attribute Sets' in the same category for uploading products? Why I am asking this is, we have more than thirty ...
Ajwad Syed's user avatar
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Configurable child product custom attribute gets value by parent

Is there any way to inherit custom atribute value parent to child ? eg: i have custom attribute "test" , creating configurable product productConf with child productConf-l, changing value &...
ibrahim's user avatar
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Slow async bulk import via RabbitMQ, no multiple threads?

I really hope someone can help me out here. We have setup a RabbitMQ and a Magento 2.3.4. RabbitMQ runs and get about 83k messages via an import by our external product management software. There are ...
Keenora Fluffball's user avatar
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Magento 2.3: Automatically add HTML tags in a Static Block after save

Automatically adding HTML tags in a Static Block after save When saving static block from admin then after saving static block it is automatically adding HTML tags How can we solve it so that it will ...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
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Custom category Image attribute Magento 2.3+

I've searched alot and evrywhere the code has to go through many plugins and need of adding routers to add custom image attribute for category. I've added a code below to add custom image attribute ...
Prabhakaran R's user avatar
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Print SQL Query when user searches from admin product grid

I am using Magento 2.3.4 Can we print a SQL query when product search from admin product grid? I can print sql queries in our custom or product collection in frontend using $collection->getSelect()-...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
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Optimization of faceted navigation and pagination

I recently launched a store under Magento and I would like to improve both faceted navigation and pagination. Faceted navigation : Do you know a module that avoids reloading the page each time a ...
PierreClement's user avatar
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3 answers

How can i add my copyright in the footer?

The copyright is removed in the footer. In which file can i recover it and which text to add? So now there is not copyright rule displayed at all. Maybe this file something wrong?
Parts's user avatar
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Magento 2 error "No such entity with cartid =xxxx"

I'm frequently getting this" No such entity with cartId =xxxxx " When I try to edit order by set order status to another status or assign order to customer. I've taken a look at the database ...
mido's user avatar
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How change Magento2 config cache behavior

In my project with 100's of websites in multi-store mode, several seconds on every request are used to unserialize the config cache. It appears that Magento builds and compiles the config-cache from ...
Juergen Schreck's user avatar
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Unable to make product In Stock In Magento2 Admin

We are using Magento2.3.5-p1 version , We imported all our catalog of 5000+ products and those all are showing finely in front end. When ever we go to Magento Admin Catalog and select any one of the ...
anand nagabhairava's user avatar
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solve problem of not plus shipping method price in total in multiple shipping overview page

any one have solution about the below image please help me
Altu Patel's user avatar
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After Upgrate Magento 2 from version 2.2.5 to 2.3.4 Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row

I am trying to upgrade Magento 2 version from 2.2.5 to 2.3.4 using CLI. Version up-gradation is done. After version upgrade when I run bin/magento setup:upgrade it will give an error as follow: ...
Divyarajsinh Dodiya's user avatar
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Override a template of a uiComponent

I have overridden the template of a few uiComponents before, but this time whatever I attempt it doesn't work. Hopefully somebody has an idea what's going on. First off, I used the layoutProcessor to ...
Pascal Wientjes's user avatar
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How to get Salable Quantity in product collection?

Need to filter product collection by salable qty in frontend in catalog>product>list.phtml. Currently, I am processing the saleable qty inside foreach loop but it takes lot of resources and some ...
Akhil Anand's user avatar
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How to set the CRON for every 4 hours?

I have created a custom cron group and below is the code. <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=...
MagentoDev's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 New product detail tabs prevent automatic nesting

In my layout file I created 2 new tabs. Both tabs appear, however one is nested below the other. I don't understand why Magento would do this behavior since I did not set any code that should trigger ...
Kyle Waid's user avatar
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Uncheck billing and shipping address during checkout in onestep checkout?

I am using magetop one-step checkout. When i login to store and click on place order button the billing and shipping address checkbox automatically checked .if guest customer or new customer with ...
usman's user avatar
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fwrite(): send of 21 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe

I am using custom RabbitMQ message queues in custom Magento 2 extension. When i run consumer using the following command: sudo php bin/magento  queue:consumers:start custom.json.update Consumer works ...
Pandurang Babar's user avatar
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How to make product image required and minimum 1 or maximum 6 images

I am using Magento 2.3 and creating a product doesn't need any image. How do I make it required?
gill's user avatar
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Magento 2: event or plugin after filters applied and removed in category pages

I want to write customization on after filters are applied and filters are removed in category pages. I need any event or plugin while filter applied or filter removed in Magento 2.3.2.
Jothi Subramanian's user avatar
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How to setup Magento 2.x with Asynchronous Messaging using Docker

We wanted to setup Magento 2.x with Asynchronous Messaging using Docker. Previously we did the docker setup for Magento 2.x(Synchronous). We have tried to search for a relative reference for ...
Praveen Kumar S's user avatar
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How to make my own selection algorithm working with multi source inventory?

Is there a way to make my own selection algorithm in MSI? Working only with one website and one store.
Erich Hans Merz Diaz's user avatar
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Change validation dynamically on Checkout Shipping

I have a certain condition that if I have only a certain product selected then only the Email Address should be required and all other field like firstname, lastname etc will be optional and this ...
MadzQuestioning's user avatar
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Error in debug.log

I found below errors in debug.log file. [2020-07-09 00:59:52] main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter ...
abu abu's user avatar
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The invoice can't be saved at this time. Please try again later

I have 2 problems with orders: 1st, I can't change my orders status: 2nd, I can't generate invoice from my orders:
brooll's user avatar
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Filter category products by quantity - Magento 2.3

My store allows backorders, so some of the products have quantity of 0. I want to create a switch on the category page on front-end for "hide out of stock products" which filters out ...
Jarxberg's user avatar
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Show/Link variation

Just want to start by saying thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm wondering if there is any possible way to link or show variation/simple products tied to a configurable product? Like when ...
fadedout's user avatar
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How to Upload Profile Picture with my REST API in magento2?

Hello I add one custom attribute of profile_picture to save the profile picture of customer but when i try to call the API with following JSON Request:...
Vardhman Kamani's user avatar
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how to get which filter is applied first in layered navigation

I need the order on which the filter is applied.for example if we select red value in color attribute and then we select L value in size attribute means I need that order ie)color and then Size not ...
Jothi Subramanian's user avatar
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The catalog price rules cause error when re-indexing in Magento 2

When I created a Catalog Price Rule in the admin and click Save, I got the error below but it's still saved. Then I tried to re-index via SSH and got the same error message. Fatal error: Uncaught ...
Jamy's user avatar
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magento2 Enforce character limits across multiple custom product fields

I'm trying to enforce character limits, across multiple custom product fields. So a product has custom fields name First Name and Last Name, and that combined they must be less than 23 characters. How ...
J. M. Becker's user avatar
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Page builder product carousel hide on changing the screen size issue Magento 2.3

On my website I added product carousel using page builder. But there is an issue, when I change the screen desktop to ipad or iphone and iphone to desktop in browser. Product Slider of home page gets ...
Twinkle Gupta's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.5 - Configurable product showing all associate product in configuration grid in admin

I'm facing an issue that when I open any configurable product and then in configuration grid of associate products when I click on next to get another list of associate products its load all the ...
Ronak's user avatar
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Customer user | The account sign-in was incorrect or your account is disabled temporarily. Please wait and try again later. M2

I get this error mostly on my local magento setup when I try to get customer token using default API. And usually it is with more than one customer accounts. "message": "The account sign-in was ...
Ajwad Syed's user avatar
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Magento2 Grid: Select all disabled with two dropdown filters

A client running a magento 2.3.2. store noted that he can not use the Select All when two Filters are enabled. This pertains to the Magento Grid with orders on the Sales page. The filters the client ...
JerGrun's user avatar
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Add div background image in email template

I have created a custom email template and I want to add background image to one of its div element. I have added html file in my email with below content. <div class="container" width="100%" ...
Jaimin Sutariya's user avatar
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How to enable dependency profiling graphs | Magento 2.3

According to this article we can enable dependency profiling graph but did not find any command for the same. As Mentioned on the page - To enable dependency graphs, use the "variable option". See ...
Mr. Nanhe's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.4 theme use different logo file for mobile and larger screens

I need to use 2 different logo files, one for mobile and one for desktop view. I have one single custom theme (parent is luma) and I am wondering how to achieve this by using jquery and/or CSS. Is ...
Th. Schott's user avatar
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In ui-select how to select all child and sub-child categories when parent category is clicked?

I have a field with ui-select for categories in my custom form. I have this piece of code in ui_component form for generating the ui-select <field name="categories"> <argument ...
Absolute Idiot's user avatar
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Magento 2: admin ui-component tab view from issue

In admin ui-component in a custom module, when I use page layout admin-2columns-left and <layout> <navContainerName>left</navContainerName> <type>tabs</...
Iftakharul Alam's user avatar
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Magento 2 productCollection works differently on front end to separate script. why?

i'm new to magento, not programming. can someone explain why the following code returns a different result depending on where it's called? $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::...
steve's user avatar
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How to create a custom api for mobile app in magento 2.3

I want to create custom APIs for a mobile app tp cop up with my Magento 2.3 .x project. Like APIs for plugins installed like cc avenue, store locator plugin.
manoj bisht's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.4 and OAuth 1 oauth_problem=Consumer+key+has+expired

I'm going crazy with OAUTH1 and Magento 2.3.4 (Ubuntu + Nginx 1.14 + PHP 7.3) I get always oauth_problem=Consumer+key+has+expired My Backend configs: I've configured an Integration (System -> ...
Tarichecco's user avatar
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Refresh related products of a configurable product - Magento 2.3.4

I am searching for a solution to change related products if the customer choose another attribute / simple product of this configurable product. For example I have a configurable product with the ...
Pictick's user avatar
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magento 2.3.4 Errors after moving site to live domain within the same server [SOLVED]

I have created a magento 2.3.4 site on a test server var/www/ Once the site is tested and working I have changed the location by plesk (copy site) to var/www/ but what is ...
Juanjo's user avatar
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PHP Fatal Error causing 500 Internal Server Error

I recently started to work with a small merchant to set-up their first web-shop and chose Magento Community to do so. While I have plenty of PHP, etc.. developer experience, Magento is new to me with ...
Diplonics's user avatar
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