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How to make <head><title>...</title><head> translatable in layout definition

Here I have the default contact page layout file (contact_index_index.xml): <page xmlns:xsi="" layout="1column" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:...
jstuardo's user avatar
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File `/i18n/de_DE.csv` not found

I am using the latest Magento 2.0.2 release and imported the German bin/magento i18n:pack --mode=replace -d source.csv . de_DE When I now open a product page I am getting File "/i18n/de_DE.csv" ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 answers

Magento 2: Content blocks with same identifier (e.g. "contact-us-info") not shown in second Store View. Why doesn't it work like with content pages?

I am beginner and testing Magento 2.0.1 with the Luma template to setup a dual language shop. I have created a second Store view for the second language (German) but new blocks with same identifiers ...
Aron's user avatar
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Multi Store view - product name for each store

I'm using Magento I have a store in English, I want to have the same store (same categories and products) just translated to Spanish. I used this tutorial to achive this: Ref. I created ...
Nir's user avatar
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Use Magento 2 translation (for example German) from CrowdIn

So people are translating Magento 2. How can I use the current translation from there in my project? I can download a source.csv - but won't I need one file per module?
Alex's user avatar
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How to translate strings with link in email template (Magento2)

I'm trying to translate {{trans 'If you have questions about your order, you can email us at <a href="mailto:%store_email">%store_email</a>' store_email=$store_email |raw}}. with this ...
csmarvz's user avatar
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Translating the custom text in form.phtml file

I have added some paragraph to form.phtml file and added the translation in the .../locale/nl_NL/Mage_Contacts.csv. But the custom text does not get translated in contact us page when I switch the ...
Zinat's user avatar
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can't translate an ajax popup

I can't translate something and i have no idea how to do it. I need to translate an ajax popup that happens after you press add to card. This wil give an popup from plugin (Ajax Filter and Cart - ...
Marco de Wit's user avatar
4 votes
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How to translate within observer

I've written a module with an observer but when I try and use $this->__('something to translate') within the observer, I get the error Fatal error: Call to undefined method ...
Dom's user avatar
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Changing text of customer "edit address" field

Please see this image: I would like to change the "Middle Name/Initials" text to just "M.I." because it currently ruins the formatting. Where is the file located in order to change this? Also, if ...
JoeyD0831's user avatar
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Magento 2 - translating problem in JS templates

Is there a way to translate phrases defined in JS templates in Magento 2? I have checked official translation structure overview and searched the net but can't seem to find proper solution. For ...
g5wx's user avatar
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How to collaborate with a translation pakage for the control panel?

I'd like to know how could I translate the control panel for Magento 2.x, I've seen that the packages are created, but empty, how could I collaborate in order to translate it?
Jonathan Solorzano's user avatar
8 votes
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Can I change my default language from English to German?

Can you provide a guide for changing store language from English to German? Module i18n only has en_Us file. I have learned a user guide, but cannot understand that. Any solution for that?
Khushbu Mehta's user avatar
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How can i import a core translation into my own module?

I found posts about how to let Mage use my own translation in core modules, but not the other way. What im trying is: I overwrite core templates - in example module Mage_Sales. The Block is like ...
cottton's user avatar
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Remove var Translator = new Translate from <head> section

When I install my language files (nl_NL) in my Magento install, in the head section appears a JS tag that starts with: var Translator = new Translate({... What follows is a whole lot of ...
Els den Iep's user avatar
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Translate Problem

In my customer/login.php 's template I've this: <?php echo $this->__("If you are an " .$name . "'s dealer and still do not have a password to access the reserved area, request in"); ?> ...
laura's user avatar
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Magento {Translation}.csv Spaces-Bug?

Why does the translation for "Total-Weight", "Gesamtgewicht" does not work, but the translation for "Total Weight", "Gesamtgewicht" not? "Single Weight", "Einzelgewicht" -- works "Total Weight", "...
cottton's user avatar
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5 votes
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Translations of layout handle label

During the creation of a layout handle you specify a node <label> which is some text to describe the layout handle. For example the layout handle catalog_category_default has the following ...
David Manners's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Change Text in Popup message if color not select before add to cart

How can I change the text in the attached image?
James Sheldon's user avatar
17 votes
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Magento2 localisation Javascript

A similar question was already asked here: Magento 2 javascript text translations, but Magento updated this translation technique in the beta version. How can I add or update translations used by ...
Silvan's user avatar
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Translate Maintenance mode per website in multiwebsite-multidomain setup

Translate Maintenance mode per website in multi website-multi domain setup What is the proper way of translating (localisation) Maintenance page in a multi-website and multi-domain environment? ...
versedi's user avatar
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Custom module: translate string in Mage::throwException

I'm new to Magento and I've just built a custom module for a store. The module observes the event sales_order_place_before, and checks with an outside source if an item is still in stock. When the ...
Anne's user avatar
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How do I translate a product description that is using the function getdescription to show the product description on the screen in 1.9?

I have my product descriptions being shown using the getDescription function, and I just want to translate the text from English to French
TheReason857's user avatar
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renaming discount coupon in checkout page

Please let me know how to rename " Discount Coupons " in the checkout Page. I want to rename to " Discount vouches/ first 5 digits of your card "
assa's user avatar
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Translation conflict between modules within the same system_config section

I created my own section (say "Company") under admin system_config <config> <sections> <company translate="label"> <label>Company</label> ...
LittleBigDev's user avatar
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How to debug vsprintf() "Too few arguments" error in my log files?

I keep seeing the following report in my system.log file: 2015-10-20T12:34:07+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array ( [type] => 2 [message] => vsprintf(): Too few arguments [file] => app\code\...
Ronen Ness's user avatar
8 votes
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"Interface Locale" admin language problem

In my admin page, the "Interface Locale" dropdown is not working. I already switched the default language to German, but is still shows English. The same with Chinese. How can I solve this problem?
Tien Zam's user avatar
0 votes
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Override Adminhtml Translation file with Module

I am using Magento ce- in my site. It is mainly in nb_NO(Norwegian) language, even in admin panel. Now I want to add a custom translation file in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/locale/...
Vicky Dev's user avatar
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Mutli store setup to use another store other than default as the default language for category and product translation

We have a multi store setup with our default store set to be in English. We have a Dutch website (.nl) which inherits all of the English products and categories but we have altered the names, ...
Gavin's user avatar
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Translations and hierachy of authority

We are having problems with translations on our store for our multi lingual sites. They used to work ok but when we add modules it seems that the translations are now lost. As an example "Add to ...
Gavin's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom Backorder Message

How it's possible to change the Backorder cart message??? I'd need to display something like "The product will be available to ship from the 1st of january" Thx
bicccio's user avatar
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Find specific translation

I have a breadcrumb named "Home" in my checkout.xml. For some reason, at some point, I have translated this to something that I don't want it to be translated to anymore. However, no matter how much ...
user2806026's user avatar
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Cannot translate popup message when adding a product to the cart

If you add a product to the shopping cart, a message pops up on top saying "Cannot add the item to shopping cart." The problem is that you need to log in first, but this is not clear to the customer. ...
lidacha's user avatar
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Translate product's informations ( descriptions, short description, title,..)

How I can translate product's informations (descriptions, short description, title, ...) in a lot of languages (English, French, German, ...) without creating the product multiple times for each ...
Atika's user avatar
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Greek language package for version CE 1.9.0

I am looking for Greek language package for version CE Does anyone have an idea where I can get the language packs I need?
Jarnail S's user avatar
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How should I add Hindi language pack in Magento1.9 community edition? Or it need to create

I want to add the Hindi as language for store view which is local language in India. Please can anyone suggest me how should i proceed.
Ashwini's user avatar
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Magento Translation for coupon code not working

In /app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php I see: $this->_getSession()->addError( $this->__( 'Coupon code "%s" is not valid.', Mage::helper('core')->...
Justin's user avatar
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2 answers

Where can I change the texts in the customer account?

I'm trying to update the label for Account Dashboard on the image above. I found the template located at app/design/frontend\rwd\default\template\customer/account/navigation.phtml. How do i edit the ...
Trong Tran Xuan's user avatar
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Translate attribute note

I've added a custom attribute to the customer. I've added a note to clarify the attribute. The installer for the attribute: <?php $installer->addAttribute('customer', 'attribute_code', array( ...
janw's user avatar
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Small question to translation files

A module created a translation file in app/locale/en_US/preorder.csv. I copied this file to app/locale/de_DE/preorder.csv but when I use $this->__("xxx") in the said module and have "xxx","yyy" in ...
nbar's user avatar
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Change text $this->__('Choose an option...') in template

There are a number of changes that I would like to make to the theme but I give just one here as an example. Where the dropdown says 'Choose an Option', I like to be polite and ask users to 'Please ...
PeterC's user avatar
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Language switcher not changing frontend language

I have Magento with the sample data and default Madison Island store with 3 view names; English, French and German. In frontend when I switch the language using the select field, nothing ...
numediaweb's user avatar
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Translate is not working

my xml code: <customer_account> <reference name="customer_account_navigation"> <action method="addLink" ifconfig="example/general/enabled" module="example" translate="label"...
ND17's user avatar
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Magento Admin buttons don't work [closed]

After editing some language files all admin buttons stopped working. If I try to clear my cache nothing happens when I click at the button related to it. Does someone know how to fix this? Many ...
DIONH's user avatar
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How To Translate Checkout Card Field Labels

I've created a translate.csv in my theme folder and confirmed working. However, it's not working for labels that contain special characters. I'm looking to change the wording for the following ...
user2565123's user avatar
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Small error in the translation of transactional email

In Magento 1.9.1 I've installed the German language pack. Everything looks fine except of a very small problem in the email subject for the shipping mail: English: Shipment # 100000001 for Order # ...
Ralf's user avatar
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How to easily keep multiple Magento theme translations up-2-date?

Working with Magento Translations today I got very annoyed by the fact that I had to constantly repeat myself. In our installation we currently have 4 languages: en_US for English nl_NL for Dutch ...
Ottonet's user avatar
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How to reverse first name and last name globally

Can someone please tell me how can change customer name format globally? I want to show customer name as Last name First name instead of First name then Last name. I ask this because I'm doing an e-...
Thịnh Phạm's user avatar
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Inline translation tool is not working and i can't enable it

Can't use inline translation tool in front end of my webpage. Its working fine in backend. I checked on the frontend if System>Config>Advanced>Developer>Translate Inline>"Enabled for Frontend" is ...
Hillar Kapsta's user avatar
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Translate "Account Information" Block content in Magento Order page

I figured out that in the Order detail page the "Account Information" block has the last two lines that are not being translated on language selector change. They always remain in english. In my case ...
user2478262's user avatar