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js-translation.json fails to generated

Magento 2.1 We have a site setup with both English and French languages. We were noticing some french translations weren't showing on checkout page. Upon further inspection js-translation.json was ...
user1155594's user avatar
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Location of the translation 'All [category]' in submenu

I want to find the location (or source) of the translation of the 'All [CATEGORY]' string in the submenu (All componenten in this situation):
Maarten Wolfsen's user avatar
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Changing text of customer "edit address" field

Please see this image: I would like to change the "Middle Name/Initials" text to just "M.I." because it currently ruins the formatting. Where is the file located in order to change this? Also, if ...
JoeyD0831's user avatar
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Magento 2: How can we prevent HTML from being shown in the text that comes from en_US.csv file?

In en-US.csv file in our custom theme, I got a translation as below. "We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.","Within 10 minutes we'll send an email to ...
CodeForGood's user avatar
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Display date in different languages

On our store we have a blog where we show the "created_at" date of the entity. But we show the same post to 5 different languages. Of course the content is translated but we don't know how we should ...
jonasG's user avatar
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How to relabel/translate a Payment Method on Sales Order page

Task I'm trying to translate "Check / Money order" to "Quote" in the Backend of Magento 2. This label is displayed on the Sales > Order screen after taking a payment with this method. Tried ...
Craig's user avatar
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Localized dutch date format

I'm using "AW blog" in Magento On the homepage I've got the recently added blogs with the date, the date is now showing: 29 May 2017. How can I change that into Dutch like; 29 Mei 2017? I've ...
n00bly's user avatar
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Magento 1: clarification regarding translation methods

I'm currently studying for the MFC and I've downloaded the guide from Demac Media. One of the question to ask yourself (from the official Magento study guide) is which methods are available for ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
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Magento 1 Translate Phrase With a Comma

In Magento 1 how can I translate the following e.g echo $this->__("This is it, blablabla"); How can I escape the comma? I've tried to do this in the translation file This is it"," blablabla, New ...
André Ferraz's user avatar
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Translate string with variable and html

I am trying to translate a string by using translate.csv located in theme but translation is not working. Here is my string "To check your Gift card information, please click <a href="%s">here&...
Shyam's user avatar
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get list or collection of all translations in magento

I want to know what are the places to look for the translations in Magento. What would be the best way to get a list or collection of all translations in Magento? Where would one start in the ...
Supersonic's user avatar
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Magento multistore - translating ALT tags and images & store view levels

Whilst translating a site to language 2 coming from language 1. We Changed the image ALT text (as seen in screenshot) thinking that Magento would: * use the image (+filename) from the default config ...
snh_nl's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 free version translation

I would like to ask you about translation Magento. I have translation to Polish but in version 1.9 during registration customer processs there is a text: What's this? Checking "Remember Me" will let ...
enjoy777's user avatar
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Change translation for individual product or category

I am working on a magento store setup which sells both Products and Class Subscription. Products detail page i would like to show description title as Product Description but when it is a Class ...
Anand's user avatar
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Theme based translate.csv and module prefix

I have a translate.csv file in my theme app/design/frontend/{package}/{theme}/locale/en_GB/translate.csv, which is getting loaded and successfully translating various items on my site. For example I ...
Peter O'Callaghan's user avatar
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Adding a new Country name to the Country Field of Address by changing an existing Country name

I need to add a new Country name to the Field of Country in address by changing an existing Country name, but i can't find the place that the country names Are Stored. For example i Need to change ...
mir.moezi's user avatar
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Magento Password Reset Confirmation E-mail translation

I'm trying to create a Dutch translation for the Password Reset Confirmation E-mail. What i've tried so far: In the Magento folder structure, there is a directory holding all dutch e-mail ...
RTB's user avatar
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Add translation for a plugin

The site that I am working on is using he_IL as primary language of the theme (I think). I installed a plugin which only has en_US.csv its i18 folder I added an he_IL.csv in the i18l folder, but I don'...
justadev's user avatar
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How to translate i18n value from tag in html?

I want to Translate a custom button name using i18n. I tried like this app/code/My_vendor/My_module/i18n/ar_SA.csv "I am the gift Receiver","أنا المتلقي هدية" The affect should take place in ...
Siranjeevi K S's user avatar
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How to change text "You have no items in your shopping cart." in minicart in magento 2

How to change the text "You have no items in your shopping cart." in mini cart in Magento 2
Divya Sekar's user avatar
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Translation csv file in magento theme directory

-v 2.3 theme - luma locale - UK I need to change 'excl tax' to 'excl vat' on my catalog/cart pages and believe I need to create a CSV file with the translation contained this file. My question is ...
Eddie's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Error in line 196 Dictionary.php - Undefined offset

Sometimes after creating a dictionary, I get this error: Undefined offset: 1 in /vendor/magento/framework/App/Language/Dictionary.php a:4:{i:0;s:104:"Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /srv/www/...
Raül's user avatar
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Exception in magento2 in fr_FR language

I have installed fr_FR package in magento2 site. But in detail page and checkout page I am getting error like below, [2018-03-24 13:10:46] main.CRITICAL: exception 'Zend_Locale_Exception' with ...
Jeeva Chezhiyan's user avatar
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Static-content deploy runs only for en_US by default

Is it possible to set other local as default for static-content deploy command somehow? I have "he_IL" store (This is single lang store and I set this lang at the installation, nothing was added ...
Stepan Furman's user avatar
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How to translate PHTML text including html markup

I'm familiar with how to translate strings including variables such as <?php echo sprintf(__('Hello %s'), $yourVariable) ?> So what's the cleanest way to translate this example in a PHTML ...
Ben Crook's user avatar
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In Magento 2, what does `translate="true"` really do in XML?

When I add translate="true" to my XML declarations of my own custom module, will Magento translate them automagically (given that I have the proper i18n CSV files for this)? Or is it only served as a ...
Giel Berkers's user avatar
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How to change the text of the sign in button on the top header of a magento store

I am currently developing my first Magento website and the whole functionality behind is overwhelming so I might have overseen the possibility to fulfill the task. I am looking for a way to change ...
noa-dev's user avatar
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Magento Add translation file to custom theme

i've added a custom translation to my Magento theme like below : i've add translation.csv in : app/design/frontend/themename/default/local/ar_SA and in app/design/frontend/themename/default/local/...
mahmoudismail's user avatar
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Magento2 - i18n:collect-phrases override csv file

I've a Magento2 application with A LOT of texts and sometimes I have to add new phrases that need to be translated as well. To wrap text that needs to be translated I use: <?php echo __("Lorem ...
davideghz's user avatar
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how to send email based on user selected locale

Sending email based on locale that user selected. $locale='en_US'; $emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template') ->loadDefault('test_reminder_email'); ...
Qaisar Satti's user avatar
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Magento 2 Cannot translate phases in $.mage.__('XXX') [duplicate]

Translation added to i18n files, phrases in <?php echo __("XXX");?>can be translated, but the those in $.mage.__('XXX') cannot be translated. Any work around to translate phrases in $.mage.__('...
Ricky.C's user avatar
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Translate a word in frontend

I have an extension: cmsmart extension search ajax and in the search I need to translate: "All categories". I tried this but its not working: Add the translation into app/design/frontend/default/...
phin's user avatar
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translation only work us other not working for other locale in custom module

admin panel always do translation from en_US. where did i do wrong? helper $helper=Mage::helper('test'); $helper->__('Shipping Method'); config.xml <frontend> <translate> ...
Qaisar Satti's user avatar
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Default language changed in parts of admin backend

My default backend language is German. This week I've noticed that some texts in the backend changed language to English. For example: Language dropdown in the footer is set to German. I've been ...
Alan's user avatar
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Small error in the translation of transactional email

In Magento 1.9.1 I've installed the German language pack. Everything looks fine except of a very small problem in the email subject for the shipping mail: English: Shipment # 100000001 for Order # ...
Ralf's user avatar
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Multiple translate file in a theme

Is it possible if I use multiple translate files in locale directory in my themes instead of only one file translate.csv ? Manage a huge file with 100k+ lines is a nightmare to me.
Toan Nguyen's user avatar
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translate some string in different store view

i have a megento store with the theme "trego" this theme have a contact form page , but have only with the default language "english", in store have 2 language (the other language is french) now in ...
themich's user avatar
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Please enter a valid full date translate

We want to translate "Please enter a valid full date", but when we edit the csv file, nothing happens. This is the default Magento validation line in the one page checkout. When a user enters the ...
JGeer's user avatar
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Which file in Magento is the point at which the product description is pulled from the DB and sent to the browser

I'm currently working on language translations in Magento and it seems the translate.csv within locale/ doesn't contribute towards replacing product name/description. I need to add this functionality ...
Ste's user avatar
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Translation Manager

Is there a nice translation manager which allows admin users to translate CSVs without having to worry about FTP access and if they will mess up the CSV
Goose84's user avatar
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Translate calendar view in magento

I have installed the Events Calendar extension magento connect on my shop. The language set on the shop is cyrillic (Macedonian) so the calendar view(months, days of the week) is showing symbols text....
user3474's user avatar
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Add product translations throught API (SOAP or REST)

is it possible to add product translations using the SOAP or REST API?
Andreas Nilsson's user avatar
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How to translate Maintenance mode page for multiwebsites

I want to translate Magento 2 maintenance page as per country code Like :- magento2/it (In the Italian language) magento2/de (In German) I tried using csv but it doesn't work even using __('echo the ...
Arun Sharma's user avatar
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How to translate "Filter by" in magento 2

I want to translate Filter by text: I have translated it in app/i18n/es_ES.csv and in app/design/frontend/.../Theme/i18n/es_ES.csv but this doesn´t work. I have tried all the possibilities: What can ...
IvannVerano's user avatar
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Magento 2 translation package not making a change on website?

What i want? I want to translate Magento 2 to Serbian language. What i did? I followed instructions on magento official guide for making a language package. I followed the "create a language ...
Mr. Kovalski's user avatar
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Get frontend translation phrases

I'm trying to collect all phrases for a customer. When I ran bin/magento i18:collect-phrases I get all the phrases in the admin section and I don't want that because it is way to much. I thought of ...
Arno Vande Cappelle's user avatar
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Translate Knockout Variables

I've been trying to get the shipping titles to translate with no success so far. It seems most questions deal with knockout text but I'm trying to do it on a variable that doesn't seem to be working. ...
Jim's user avatar
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Magento 2 - why are translations from my CSV file not loading

I am using Magento 2.2.7 and theme Techno from Themevast. My app/code/design structure looks like this: frontend/tv_themevast_package/default frontend/tv_themevast_package/techno1 Template is using ...
Oktarin's user avatar
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Translate priority

Magento has 4-5 ways to translate and haven't good explanation of translation priority. Translates can be in themes in modules in translate package in sub folders of themes/modules ...
Dmitry Dubovitsky's user avatar
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Translation of a module

How can I translate an extension (module) ? I tried to create the i18n folder and create the it_IT.csv file. But it does not work, how can I do translation?
KernelPaniC's user avatar

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