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Questions tagged [image-resizing]

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How do I completely turn of JPG compression in Magento 2.4.3?

I optimized my product images in media/catalog/product directory(not the images in cache folder). I flushed the catalog images cached and the magento cache and afer that the cached image becomes ...
Tom's user avatar
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Conditional webp and resizing in nginx

So regular, webp conditional loading works: map $http_accept $webp_suffix { default ""; "~*webp" ".webp"; } with small exception of pulling out of svg to ...
Twisted_Jar's user avatar
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Magento 2 - WYSIWYG uploaded images resized to 500px wide. How can I prevent this?

When uploading large images to be used within a block or page, Magento 2 resizes them to 500px width. I don't want that instead I want them left at their original size. I have no extensions installed ...
handcoded's user avatar
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How to get cache images path

I am showing Listrak on site recommend product on my website. Product images are very big, I need resizes images. I have images name like 2/0/20mm.jpg and I am appeding it with
Pawan's user avatar
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magento 2 Product description tab image problem gets smaller?

As shown in the image bellow im importing image in product discription with original size is (826px x 8191px) but after importing it it's getting smaller and resized to (152px x 1507px). how can i ...
abd el mounaim ait el hadj's user avatar
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Magento2: Resolution image

We have too hight resolution images: and product photos are loading quite slowly. Is there any way to display reduced image quality on the frontend on products list?
Sylvester's user avatar
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Magento2 - Cannot Resize Images due to error message In CLI

I'm currently trying to run the image resize command in the CLI for Magento2.3.2 but it keeps coming up with the following error as soon as I run the command: mysite@dx1287:~/httpdocs$ php bin/...
CJNotts's user avatar
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In Magento 2.3.3 is it possible resize small images

Is it possible in Magento 2.3.3 to resize small images like Gif, PNG, JPG to enlarge with quality? As I'm doing in view.xml but it's not working.
Prahlad's user avatar
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Magento 2: Error when trying to run command php bin/magento catalog:images:resize

I'm currently trying to run the following command php bin/magento catalog:images:resize But when it gets part way through I get the following error: 587/1490 [>] 39% 9 mins 54.0 MiB | /d/o/...
CJNotts's user avatar
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Magento 2: Image resize is interrupted

I'm running the command bin/magento catalog:image:resize after updating to Magento 2.3.2, because all the images stopped working in frontend. The process is interrupted after a while with this kind ...
Webninja's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.0 product image cache resizing images

All my images are 1024X1024 HQ images. When magneto move the imaged to cache folder it resize it and make i get smaller images with white frame all around it (see images "before").  I try to fix it by ...
schnitz's user avatar
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catalog:images:resize command stops at 100/2115 images with Error sending QUERY packet

I just migrated an inventory from one Ecommerce Platform to Magento and while running the image:resize command to re-scale the images for them to display, the command consistently fails when it ...
Uncle Hank's user avatar
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Magento2-Product PNG Image is resizing as Transparent due to which it's showing as blank on Product/Category/Product Admin Grid Page

PNG product image is not showing on the front end. When i checked for the reason then found this format is resizing but always resized a blank image due to which it's not showing(as we know that to ...
Wakar Ahamad's user avatar
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Magento 2 How to resize product gallery images?

I have to resize the product gallery images. I'm using this link to resize image Resize Image but it's only allow to resize image product_base_image. While I have to resize all other image then ...
Magecode's user avatar
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Magento 2 stop (or) avoid resize product image at admin end?

In Magento 2.2.3 CE, Is it possible to get default maximum image dimensions in Magento when uploading images at admin end? For example, I uploaded some images to a product that were 2400x2400 and ...
Nagaraju Kasa's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.0 product image cache resizing images to look very bad

i have uploaded images to magento 2.3 and when i look on product page i can see it been resizing to different size with white lines. look at original image that has been uploaded: https://...
schnitz's user avatar
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How to resize Image in Magento 2?

I want to resized image of subcategory. for that, I added this code in .phtml file.I'm getting wrong path for image <?php $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); ...
Bhakti Thakkar's user avatar
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Image Resize not working for catalog images magento 2.3

Please check the below code app\code\Vendor\Category\etc\di.xml <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../../../lib/internal/...
Hitesh Balpande's user avatar
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resize image without loss quality in magento 2

I want to resize image without loss quality in magento 2 i used code $imageResize = $this->_imageFactory->create(); $imageResize->open($absolutePath); $imageResize->constrainOnly(TRUE)...
Muhammad Hamza's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Change image sizes in fotorama

How do I change the images sizes of the fotorama gallery ? From what I understand I need to edit my view.xml But what Image Id's do I need to change please. Also do I need to run some mage command ...
garyconstable's user avatar
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Magento 2.2.x Product Image automatic Resize when height more than 1200px

Magento 2.2.x Product Image automatic resize when height more than 1200px Might be default m2 bug. LMK how to fix that problem?
Sanju's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 - Resize images

I create a custom module in Magento 1.9 to upload some images. But I want to have this big images as a thumbnails too, how I can made a resize of the big images? if(isset($_FILES['image']['name'])...
Robert's user avatar
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get image by position and resize

I need to get images by its position and I need each image resized to a concrete heigh and width. If I want a image by its position I can do it by this code: $_product ->getMediaGalleryImages(...
Alex's user avatar
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Magento 2: Getting "Warning: getimagesize(): Filename cannot be empty" after switching to a new empty theme with no parent

I wanted to start building a theme from scratch & my first step was to create a new theme with "Blank" as a parent. I then browsed a few pages & saw that everything works just fine. On the ...
Pini's user avatar
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How to resize pictures from list page on Magento 2

I tried to set the product pictures from category page to 800x800 px and i can't. Be default the picutres size is 270x270 px; I changed in view.xml the values for this fields into 800x800 px but ...
Alin Lupoiu's user avatar
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How to resize image of product view page in Magento 2?

I want to resize product view gallery image. I want to resize main product image to 500X500 size? How can we achieve this?
Rahul's user avatar
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Magento image resizing - own method

Is Magento preparing images while the page is loaded by the device or use cached images regardless the device size? If it creates and caching images - same for each device - I would like to change it ...
Rob D. A.'s user avatar
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Resize and Crop to set width/height without stretching

I am trying to get magento 2 to resize my images to a set width and height then crop them to the correct dimensions. I am trying to do this via view.xml and php but both are running into the same ...
Typhado's user avatar
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Image resizing not working if height and width values are different

I am trying below code to resize height and width of image. If i give resize(350 ,250) instead of resizing , its displaying image 350px away from left and 250px away from top from its original ...
Baby in Magento's user avatar
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Catalog images resize command not working in Magento 2?

Catalog images not resizing as per view.xml dimensions. php bin/magento catalog:images:resize This command run successfully but still not resizing images. What is the reason behind it? Can somebody ...
Dipesh Rangani's user avatar
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magento product resized image optimization

I have optimized product images: when I upload those in admin they remain as optimized. However, in fronted when I resize images with cache, these already optimized images need to be optimized. How ...
Sahak T.'s user avatar
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What are the different parts of an image URL, and how to generate new sizes?

I have an image URL like this: What is the meaning of the "...
skb's user avatar
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Magento jQuery Image Scaling issue, image not resizing

We have just moved to a new server & we have around 800+ cms pages with images. Some of the pages have images where we have used tag to specify the width & height, but the issue is the images ...
Mek's user avatar
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Using Magento resize vs uploading already resized images

We have custom magento review module that have lots of 70x70 image icons which when clicked load big images. Currently we manually resize them and upload 2 version of files - big image 640x480, and ...
MployBy's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Why is product image size & dimensions changed after upload?

When uploading new images to a product in Magento 2, it is not only decreasing the dimensions of the image, but it's increasing the image file size: Image Details Before Upload Dimensions: 1185 × ...
Adam Moss's user avatar
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Home page product slider image resize issue

I want a image of size 550x550 for single product slider, but my slider is getting small_image and resize into size 270 x270, this leads image to be blur. I have checked at my end and found that it is ...
user00247's user avatar
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Magento 2 resize swatches images

I want to resize swatch images See this We will change this color swatches to product images and i want to resize this & if we can remove this resize ...
William Holden's user avatar