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How do I pass the product ID and attribute to Gallery.php block?

How do I get product ID and product attribute at magento/module-catalog/block/product/view/gallery.php? Please help, I need to do some image filtering by product custom attribute with the image ...
Paul Fan's user avatar
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What is the usage of 'gallery' attribute and how it differs from 'media_gallery'

gallery is a default attribute which ships with Magento along with media_gallery, image, thumbnail and small_image. These attributes are grouped under Images. But what is the real use of gallery ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
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Clone/Duplicate product image gallery [closed]

I'd like to "clone" the image gallery from product A to a product B. And with "clone" I mean with all mediaattributes and basically all what is related to the images in the gallery (position, image ...
infabo's user avatar
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How To Customize Image Grid

I want to add one column in the Magento image grid. Is it feasible to add one column which is called gallery order. How can I do this grid customization without updating core files? Please suggest ...
Bhupendra Jadeja's user avatar