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Fotorama - how to show both, dots navigation and thumbs navigation

Is it possible to show both, dots navigation and thumbs navigation in product page? Like in picture. Thank You.
John's user avatar
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Magento 2 how to listen to event fotorama fullscreenenter

I am not able to listen to event fotorama:fullscreenenter what I've tried: <script type="text/javascript"> require(['jquery', 'mage/gallery/gallery'], function($, gallery){ $('[...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
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Change Product Page Fotorama On Element Click

I'm trying to change to a specific image in the product gallery when the user clicks a button to customize their item. So far I have the following code: require( ['jquery', 'jquery/ui', 'mage/...
C Prince's user avatar
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slider on gallery on product page

I am trying in product/detail page to have all images in the gallery there with no slide to hide some of them, but it seems no possible in no option for view.xml. I can create from scratch gallery....
Luca Cagnassi's user avatar
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Magento2 Product Gallery Fotorama

I got a custom module where I load the images for the product. You can select a image, now I want that this specific image is selected in the Gallery Fotorama. So say for example standard it is ...
Johan's user avatar
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Magento2: user magnifier widget without fotorama

I am developing a custom theme for Magento 2.1.x based on blank theme. In the product view page, I want to get rid of the fotorama gallery (the images are as normal img tag, ne after another. What I ...
giani.sim's user avatar
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change fotorama slider

I want to place the fotorama slider in an absolute div that is behind other elements. Also the slider should behave like the css background property cover. I found that the slider plugin used has an ...
steros's user avatar
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Magento2: how can I resize the image used in gallery in the product page.

In magento2 product page, the image gallery is rendered by fotorama. The image size is exactly the same as the one upload to product. Is it possible to resize all the image to the same size/ratio? ...
Wenping Guo's user avatar
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fotorama breakpoints not working for nav [closed]

I have the breakpoint set to use dots for nav on mobile but they are not working. The nav stays as thumbs. Any suggestions? <var name="breakpoints"> <var name="mobile"> ...
Tyler Nichol's user avatar