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Questions tagged [ftf]

Functional Testing Framework

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4 answers

Magento2 Chrome Driver Service error in MTF

I am new to MTF. I have followed the magento2 tutorial based on the following link But When I am running the command vendor/bin/phpunit I am getting the following error - Fatal error: Uncaught ...
Tester's user avatar
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Magento2 Object Manager Issue in MTF test run windows

I am learning on how to use MTF in my test module. I am trying to run generator using command php generate.php But I am getting following error - Uncaught Error: Class 'Magento\Mtf\...
Gagan's user avatar
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How to configure Magento2 to use selenium_hub in a Docker environment

I am struggling to get the selenium hub docker to work with Magento2. I have used it in other frameworks like Django, but I'm struggling to make the connection in Magento2. I'm working on top of https:...
shermanzach's user avatar
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MFTF and the replacement of the Functional Testing Framework

I would like to understand more about how this works and how to utilize it properly. I do know It’s not available in the latest version of Magento installed by Composer. You need to install Magento ...
thismethod's user avatar
2 votes
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Can Magento 2 Functional Test Framework run inside a Vagrant box?

I'm trying to run the Magento 2 Functional Testing Framework (FTF) inside a Vagrant box, but without success. My setup is a host machine, which runs Selenium and a Vagrant box which runs Magento 2. ...
Giel Berkers's user avatar
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Magento 2: "Unable to locate element: .page-header .admin-user" when running FTF

I try to run Functional Testing Framework. When I run tests: vendor/bin/phpunit I see that new Firefox window is launched, .../admin/admin/ page is opened and login form is appeared on the page. But ...
Alex Gusev's user avatar
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