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25 votes
1 answer

Depend and if/else in transaction emails in Magento 1

we are investigating some checks in our transactional emails or newsletters and looking at where we find the code ...
snh_nl's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to add foreach loop in email template?

I am trying to trigger a mail to customer after they place an order. This email will carry all the cross sell products of the products ordered. I used the following links as reference: send email ...
Shathish's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Display line in transactional e-mail if payment method is

I want to display a line only when the customer selects payment method checkout money order. When a customer select money order as payment method, I want to display a <li> additional line to the ...
JGeer's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to style transactional email with email-inline.css

I am using Magento 1.9.1. I want to customize my Magento Transactional Emails. To do so, I duplicated email-inline.css and email-non-inline.css from base package into my customized package (into this ...
ecmedia's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Transactional Emails modification

How can i modify transactional mails in Magento? I want to change the email content. The emails are not listed in system->transactional emails list. I have checked app/code/locale too. But I ...
Praseetha's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Create transactional email via install/upgrade script

How can I create transactional email templates via an install/upgrade script? I need them populated in Transactional Emails rather than having email templates available in the app/locale folder.
Francis Kim's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Translation of product stock alert email

I have added translation in my locale folders and even loaded templates and assigned them in system config. Nothing seems to translate this email. When i look in the table product_alert_stock i also ...
Toon Van Dooren's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Conditional Content for Transactional Email Templates

I want to provide more relevant information to the customer in the "New Order" email template dependent on what method of payment was selected when placing the order. I implemented this method from ...
webbuddy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How is it possible to add our company's VAT number to our customer's receipt emails?

I've done a bit of research into this, and checked various suggestions, but can't locate a simple way of inserting our company's VAT number into receipts for our customer's. We have our VAT number ...
MagentoMac's user avatar
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1 answer

How to interpret @vars and other special comment blocks in email templates?

In email template files, there are these comments which obviously have some special meaning: <!--@subject @--> <!--@vars @--> <!--@styles @--> How does Magento interpret these ...
dsplynm's user avatar
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1 answer

Get full SKU for configurable products with custom options in transactional emails

I try to get the full SKU for configurable products with custom options in transactional emails. By default this works great in the shopping cart. For example, I have a configurable product with SKU '...
Michael's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

Send Specific Email Depending On Payment Method (i.e. to include Bank Details)

I need to send a specific email if the customer selects a payment method. I will be using this for clients who wish to pay offline (Bank transfer) The email will inform them of our banking details.
Wessel's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 how to add if or else statement to email template?

I want to add an if or else statement to the invoice email template to check if the order shipping method is courier delivery order or self pick up order. How can I do this?
Ricky.C's user avatar
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2 answers

layout handle not working in custom email

trying to send email programmaticaly with order items grid using {{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order}} but its not working. {{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}} show customer ...
Sandesh's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

M2: How to add store address to transactional email / invoice email?

In M1, our invoice email templates contained the store address: {{config path='general/store_information/address'}} In M2, this does not work, because store information / address is split into ...
hey's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Adding transactional email template to transaction email list by custom module

Can somebody please explain the best practice to add a transactional email to the transactional email list that can be found in the backend at system->transactional emails ? I know that I need to ...
Celldweller's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Add customers order comment to 'Order Confirmation' transaction email

When the customer places an order on the frontend they have the ability to add a comment to their order. What i would like to do is add this comment to the transaction email 'Order Confirmation' I ...
James Fisher's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Use Mailchimp templates for Magento transactional emails

I am about to set up marketing automation and abandoned cart emails using Mailchimps integration for Magento. I would however like to align the design between the marketing emails from Mailchimp and ...
McKeene's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Get customer first name on review request transactional email

I want to send a review request using the transaction emails. For this I use the official Mandrill extension for Magento. In this e-mail I want to get the customers first name. What {var} do I need ...
JGeer's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why is my helper not working

I'm trying to add a conditional check to my New Order email template by using a helper to determine which Group a customer belongs to. My helper is loading fine, but it seems like the helper doesn't ...
travisw's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I change reply-to email adress of contact form when using transactional email template?

I am using a custom template for the contact form because I need a unique subject line for incoming contact form. I got that working by using a custom transactional email template. But now I came ...
Akif Gümüssu's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Wrong email body in transactional email

I'm using the contacts module to output different contactforms in different stores in a multishop environment. I insert my contact form like this: {{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" ...
Kevin Krieger's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is var not being populated in my Transactional Emails?

Simple question. I am adding the email address to the "New Order" template, but nothing is being populated. Why? I am simply passing Login: {{var}} I am passing in several other ...
travisw's user avatar
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2 votes
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Adding short_description to Send Product to a Friend transaction email template

I am looking for the code to include the product short description (short_description) to my customized Send Product to a Friend transnational email template. Here is what I have so far: <img src=...
JaySch's user avatar
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2 votes
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Magento transactional email for new order sometimes using wrong output block

In my new order email, i have the line: "layout area=\"frontend\" handle=\"sales_email_order_invoice_items\" invoice=$invoice order=$order":"Invoice Items Grid", The majority of the time the email ...
MagentoEmailSadness's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Not sending Transaction mail

I try to add Transaction mail but i am not getting any mail $template_id = 'my_custom_email'; // Who were sending to... $email_to = '[email protected]'; $customer_name = $name; // ...
Magento 2's user avatar
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Transactional emails if conditions discrepancy

Trying to set different text for registered and guest customers order confirmation email (using single template, not sure why Magento has two different settings for this?) I've come across that {{if ...
Zifius's user avatar
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How to use if else statement in email subject

I have been trying to check a condition on subject section of magento's transactional email. I'm trying to display order status on subject except for pending. This is what i have tried so far. {{if ...
passion's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Magento 2, how to do getViewFileUrl in html file

In phtml file I use <img src='<?php echo $this->getViewFileUrl('images/logo.png'); ?>' How to do same in html file ?
Zinat's user avatar
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Transactional Emails {Error in template processing}

We have a problem with our transactional emails in Magento they are including {Error in template processing} in the header and the footer. I think this was caused since we updated Magento from 1.7 to ...
Hayden's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to send diffrent order emails to admin and customer?

I would like to send different emails to both customer and admin. I have two email templates New Order and Admin Order. And I am setting the template on System->Configuration->Sales->Sales ...
Vinod VT's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can an extension add transactional email variables? (available in email templates)

suppose an extension that does something to an order. Special shipping. Or maybe blue ribbon packaging. How can this extension make available some new transactional email variables that are ...
snh_nl's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Magento Different Transactional Emails Per Store View

I am looking to have different Transaction Emails per Store View (or even just per website). In particular, I would like to have different Newsletter Subscription Success emails. I have created a new ...
Phil Stewart's user avatar
1 vote
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Magento {{depend}} combined with {{config path='some/value/here'}}

we are using the {{depend}} functionality to check for true on a system config variable But now we are running into the following. Can I combine these special {{}} tags within each other? For example ...
snh_nl's user avatar
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2 answers

Magento 1.9 check if order got shipment

I want to load a specific block in the transactional email only when the order is shipped. I want to load the block, buy using the following code: {{block type='core/template' area='frontend' ...
JGeer's user avatar
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5 answers

How to add backorder message to transactional emails

I want to add extra information in a transactional email when the order has a product which is backordered. I know where and how to edit the email templates following this guide: http://www....
Akif's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add customer name and subscription email in transactional email template of invoice and newsletter

I want to add a new newsletter and invoice email template, I did this through a Transactional email from Magento admin section. In newsletter template I want --> subscription email In Invoice email ...
konika's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get current custom transactional email template ID

I'm making some changes on the following file: app/design/frontend/base/default/template/email/order/items/order/default.phtml and what I need is to check if there's a custom trasactional email ...
zekia's user avatar
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2 answers

Different Invoice/Order Emails for same Transactional Email template

I created a custom Transactional Email for Order and Invoice. To list the items that were ordered I use this call {{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order}} I customized it while making ...
user3432078's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Display Customer Email, Customer Phone, Product Name, Product SKU in email template in magento 1.9

I need to display Customer Email, Customer Phone, Product Name, Product SKU in order email. {{template config_path="design/email/header"}} {{inlinecss file="email-inline.css"}} <p><...
BathiyaD's user avatar
1 vote
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Loading transactional emails

I am looking for (and am so far unable to find) a way to load all the transactional email templates in Magento 1. Is there a way to do this? I don't want to load a single one, I need to load them all ...
Skytiger's user avatar
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How to Add Condition Check to Determine which Template will be used in Transactional Emails?

I am trying to modify my email template to generate different product information based on customer group. As in, if a customer belongs to Group A, load modified.phtml, else load default.phtml. ...
travisw's user avatar
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2 answers

Transactional email templates not loading

When I attempt to "Add New Template" for a transactional email, select a 'template' from the list, then click 'Load Template' nothing is loaded in the templtae form. I expected there would be a ...
MarkE's user avatar
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Where to find the file that generates the custom options in a new order email?

I want to find the file that generates the highlighted area. I have tried order_new_guest.html which is located in app/locale/en_US/template/email/sale But it only shows the 4 table areas above the ...
zak's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add Gmail goto action script to new shipment email?

I'm added a tracking link to New Shipment Email which will take customer to order tracking url. But I now have a requirement to utilize the Google's goto action for this purpose, so that customer ...
Shathish's user avatar
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Customize Transactional Emails - Get part of an order

I'm trying to customize the transactional emails for new Order and new Invoice. For "New Invoice" I want to show something like this For your Order from (date without time in european format) you ...
user3432078's user avatar
1 vote
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Add transactional email template programmatically

I'm looking to add an email template to make it available in the transactional emails templates list in back office. I'm a newbie to magento 2 and a huge newbie to magento 1. My project is under V1....
Minirock's user avatar
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How to add custom text to all email templates?

I want to add a custom text input field to admin/Marketing/Email templates/Add New Template. This new text input should save it's value to the current email template content which I am creating. I ...
Rufus's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Add Additional Cart Item Notice to Transactional Emails (Out of stock notice)

I am relatively new to Magento and am developing a site on version 2.2.5. I am trying to figure out how to display the cart item message notice in the transactional email. This is the notice that is ...
Parker Braamse's user avatar