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8 votes
3 answers

Display line in transactional e-mail if payment method is

I want to display a line only when the customer selects payment method checkout money order. When a customer select money order as payment method, I want to display a <li> additional line to the ...
JGeer's user avatar
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3 answers

How to style transactional email with email-inline.css

I am using Magento 1.9.1. I want to customize my Magento Transactional Emails. To do so, I duplicated email-inline.css and email-non-inline.css from base package into my customized package (into this ...
ecmedia's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Translation of product stock alert email

I have added translation in my locale folders and even loaded templates and assigned them in system config. Nothing seems to translate this email. When i look in the table product_alert_stock i also ...
Toon Van Dooren's user avatar
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1 answer

How to interpret @vars and other special comment blocks in email templates?

In email template files, there are these comments which obviously have some special meaning: <!--@subject @--> <!--@vars @--> <!--@styles @--> How does Magento interpret these ...
dsplynm's user avatar
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2 answers

Adding transactional email template to transaction email list by custom module

Can somebody please explain the best practice to add a transactional email to the transactional email list that can be found in the backend at system->transactional emails ? I know that I need to ...
Celldweller's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Get customer first name on review request transactional email

I want to send a review request using the transaction emails. For this I use the official Mandrill extension for Magento. In this e-mail I want to get the customers first name. What {var} do I need ...
JGeer's user avatar
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How can I change reply-to email adress of contact form when using transactional email template?

I am using a custom template for the contact form because I need a unique subject line for incoming contact form. I got that working by using a custom transactional email template. But now I came ...
Akif Gümüssu's user avatar
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1 answer

Wrong email body in transactional email

I'm using the contacts module to output different contactforms in different stores in a multishop environment. I insert my contact form like this: {{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" ...
Kevin Krieger's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Magento 1.9 check if order got shipment

I want to load a specific block in the transactional email only when the order is shipped. I want to load the block, buy using the following code: {{block type='core/template' area='frontend' ...
JGeer's user avatar
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5 answers

How to add backorder message to transactional emails

I want to add extra information in a transactional email when the order has a product which is backordered. I know where and how to edit the email templates following this guide: http://www....
Akif's user avatar
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2 answers

Variable for "Sales Representative" in Email Templates

In all the email templates, I have: {{depend store_email}} <b>Email:</b> <a href="mailto:{{var store_email}}">{{var store_email}}</a> {{/depend}} However, this is ...
Michael Yaeger's user avatar
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0 answers

How to debug handle in transaction email templates? [closed]

How can I debug a transaction email template? In the admin panel I select in configurations -> sales the email template for shipment. It has the template-id 75. So far everything is totally normal. ...
Timo.Klement's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Checkout payment failed email to customer

I want to send email to customer on checkout payment fail. That he can use alternative payment methods and etc. I can edit payment transaction failed template for this purpose and I know can change ...
Mujtaba Haider's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Implementing Click Tracking for Transactional Emails

I'm building a module related to transactional emails, and one of the things that it does is add click tracking to transactional emails. The way that it currently is doing that is by overloading the ...
kalenjordan's user avatar
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Bug? Using addBcc on Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template doesn't seem to work

The way I use it (Magento EE 1.12): $transactional = Mage::getModel('core/email_template'); foreach($ccEmails as $ccEmail) { $transactional->addBcc(trim($ccEmail)); } try{...
Erfan's user avatar
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1 answer

How to print field in order email?

I want print a custom file in order transactional emails. Here is my Setup file: namespace xxx\xxxx\Setup; $quote = $setup->getTable('quote'); $salesOrder = $setup->getTable('...
Nitesh Kumar  Singh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

New Order transactional email template nonexistant? [closed]

I've tried to load the 'New Order' email template into my transactional emails and there is no result, and no error message. The other ones seem to be working fine Can anyone advise on this strange ...
zak's user avatar
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Programatically Sending Transactional Emails Doesn't Include Products

When I send out my transactional email programatically, I'm not getting any items in a table like I do when the email is sent automatically. Looking into the templates, the information is pulled ...
Dan Hanly's user avatar
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Add Transactional Email Template page does not load properly

I am just about to finish my first project with Magento and as always I have crashed something right before the finish line: I'm using Magento (Community Edition). When I go to Transactional ...
Bernie's user avatar
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1 answer

Use Multiple Email Footer Magento 1

I want to Add Different footers for the different emails from the Admin.
Rana Zain's user avatar
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2 answers

Transactional Emails not sending [duplicate]

I am having an issue with transactional emails on Magento 1.9. Order confirmation emails are not sending. Can anyone help?
DevAnd's user avatar
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Variable for store locale in email templates? Magento 1.9

Is there a way I can differentiate between different store locales in an email template created in transactional emails section of admin? I need to point to a different store logo on an international ...
rushtoni88's user avatar
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1 answer

Layout handle in transactinoal email not using the right theme

{{layout area="frontend" handle="sales_email_order_invoice_items" invoice=$invoice order=$order}} The above block/layout handle in my transactional email is using the base theme when the invoice is ...
Francis Kim's user avatar
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How to use multidimensional array values in magento email template

I am using Magento version. I am triggering a mail from the observer with multidimensional array values. How I can get and use it in the mail template.
Saravanan DS's user avatar
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