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How to fix duplicate id's in multiselect options

Via the api, multi select options were accidentally inserted as duplicates. So instead of 11111,22222 being stored in catalog_product_entity_text.value it was submitted as 11111,22222,11111,22222 and ...
Tschallacka's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.7 Customer Custom Attribute Value no Change

When I created one Customer Custom Attribute and changed its value website-wise from Admin-> Edit Customer Information so did not change it. <?php namespace Vendor\Extension\Setup\Patch\...
Magecomp Product Team's user avatar
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Getting an EAV option's value (eav_attribute_option_value) instead of ID when fetching products using GraphQL

I should preface this by saying I know nothing about Magento 2 development, and barely anything about GraphQL, yet I've been added to this project so I have to learn both of them at the same time. I'...
Alex's user avatar
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custom attribute value not save in the Database

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Vendor\Module\Setup\Patch\Data; use Magento\Eav\Model\Config; use Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\SetFactory as AttributeSetFactory; use Magento\Eav\...
Nabeel shahbaz's user avatar
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EAV_ATTRIBUTE auto increment issue

I am trying to save product attributes in my Magento2 system and there may be 100 thousands of attributes. However, I see that the value specified as auto increment in the eav_attribute table is ...
Zalmoxis's user avatar
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Filter by attribute is slow for customer collection using addAttributeToFilter() function

I have created a custom attribute called username for Customer which is searchable in admin grid. But whenever I search by username for SSO it takes much time (2-3 sec). Below are the code: $...
Vaibhav V. Joshi's user avatar
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how to enable/disable custom attribute showing on product page

I created an attribute switch, but how do I get it to work? Also I created an attribute - which I want enable/disable <?php namespace ivan\ProductAtrr\Setup\Patch\Data; use Magento\...
Miron's user avatar
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Why can't I display anything on the product page?

app/module/vendor/View/layout <?xml version="1.0"?> <page xmlns:xsi="" xsi: noNamespaceSchemaLocation= &...
Miron's user avatar
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3 answers

My sql query to get product count for Attribute

I need the mysql query for the following magento code. Need to get the count of products with the given brand option id. count($this->productCollectionFactory->create() ->...
Sahan Thilakarathna's user avatar
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2 answers

($callback) must be a valid callback

My extension is failing varnish test over and over again and the only visible error i have found in the error reports is call_user_func(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, class "...
Syed Hassan Zamir's user avatar
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Magento 2 - where to find "confirmation" attribute for customer?

Where is the status of "Confirmed email" saved in the database? How can I change the value directly in the database for this customer? I searched everywhere, but I can't find the table ...
Black's user avatar
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Magento 2.4, How to autofill value of Page Builder/textarea instead of Page Builder(form details) initialized as blank

In admin Catalog->Category->content I would like this Form detail:Page Builder to have Layout->Row and Element->HTML Code="Default Value" at setup. <?php namespace Justins\...
Justin Collins's user avatar
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Attribute value not showing properly in admin form

I have created a custom 'Forme' product attribute select type based on option value class FormeOptions extends AbstractSource { /** * Get all options * * @return array */ ...
Claims's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Remove Mandatory Validation for Customer Fields eg. firstname, lastname

I want to remove the mandatory validation for customer fields eg. firstname, lastname (both for frontend and admin). I tried using UpgradeData to change the value of is_required field to 0 in the ...
Jason's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Extension attributes & Eav Attributes

Few question based on extension attributes & eav attributes. Answers to this question will clear the concept of this topic. What are extension & eav attributes in magento ? What is the ...
NewDeveloper's user avatar
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Order custom attribute, extension attribute or EAV attribute | Magento 2

I want to add custom attribute for Order From what I have learned, there are two ways this attribtue can be associated to Order entity Having extension_attributes.xml + custom repository (and ...
Lubos Zapotocny's user avatar
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How to get the unused attributes from the table Magento 2 using SQL Query

I need to get the unused attributes from Magento DB that is not assigned to the Attribute set and not assigned to the production. Also i need to get the unused attribute sets. from Magento table
Sabareesh's user avatar
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what is the purpose of eav_entity_attribute table

in Magento i have seen entity table, eav_attribute table and attribute table, which has links. But i don't find any link to eav_entity_attribute. I want to know the purpose of the table
Krishnan Daiva's user avatar
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Removing a custom module doesn't remove it from the database

I created a customer EAV attribute to collect the users postcode on registration. I realized Magento already has this feature, so I removed the module. The problem is the module does not seem to be ...
BugHunterUK's user avatar
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entity_type_code_entity table is empty in magento2

I am trying to insert data into the EAV tables, but my main entity table isn't saving any data but the value tables data is inserted. My Entity Type code is vinay_employee, my table ...
Vinay Kharayat's user avatar
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Duplicated Eav attribute in Product Edit form

I want to add a new attribute to the product edit form using the UI components, so I created a product_form.xml file in my module, and added the attribute with the code below: <field name="...
Pasquale's user avatar
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Magento 2 how to add eav attribute for store information?

How can I add an eav attribute for store? I practically need to add a post code but storeview scope. The problem is that the post code for store information has website scope. I have addedd eav ...
Oscar Vazquez's user avatar
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Magento 2 customer attribute not working in Magento 2.3.3

I have created a module for adding a customer attribute and show it in create account form on frontend and account edit in backend, the thing is that it worked in Magento 2.2 but not on Magento 2.3.3, ...
Oscar Vazquez's user avatar
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Magento 2 customer attribute not saved in database

So I have created an attribute for customer entity, used it in frontend create account form, but it's not showing anything in customer_entity_varchar table, it's empty. However, in eav_attribute table ...
Oscar Vazquez's user avatar
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Magento 2 how to add custom attribute to register form?

I have created an attribute ZipCode just for the registration of a new customer. In eav_attribute table it exists and it's created correctly. However I have not managed to put the attribute in the new ...
Oscar Vazquez's user avatar
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Difference between catalog_attributes.xml vs eav_attributes.xml vs extension_attributes.xml

In the Magento_Catalog module i have seen there are three different configuration (xml) files related to the catalog attributes, those three files are catalog_attributes.xml vs eav_attributes.xml ...
Zeeshan Khuwaja's user avatar
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What is the query readers here i can't understand magento 2.3

I can't find the what query rendes here and i can't it is not readable so any can to find what query renders hear please tell what are the table involved here public function getCount(\Magento\...
Sabareesh's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Data Migration Tool - Triggers

Intro Regarding the Data Migration Tool (M1 to M2), the migration creates m2_cl_ trigger tables that I can eventually run bin/magento migrate:delta will only update those triggered tables, or do they ...
CvRChameleon's user avatar
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How to create product attribute and assign it to specific attribute set and attribute set group? Magento 2.3

I have an attribute set with name Gold and attribute set group with name Ring, i want to add a boolean product attribute with name biodynamic like this: namespace Vendor\Module\Setup\Patch\Data; use ...
jojo's user avatar
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How to filter bestseller collection with a product attribute

You can addAttributeToFilter for product collection; $this->_productCollectionFactory->create()->addAttributeToFilter('att_x', ['eq', $att_x_value]); How can we do this with bestseller ...
iskorum's user avatar
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Can not open "Admin -> Customers -> All customers" after Magento 1 to 2 data migration

I have a similar issue like this one here, after migrating from Magento 1 to 2. But the report is a little bit different and the provided solution in the thread did not help me at all. I already ...
Stinson's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to hide/remove custom attribute from backend Account Information tab in customer page?

I have a custom attribute showing in the account information tab page. how can I remove them? Right now I can see the following
jibin george's user avatar
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Magento 2 Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute with CategoryInterface after migration

after 1.x to 2.3 I am getting error as following in my System.log file. [2020-02-06 13:29:01] main.WARNING: Attempt to load value of nonexistent EAV attribute '903' for ...
Maxc's user avatar
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Magento 2 Edit Product page Error: Every derived table must have its own alias

I'm using magento 2.2.5 and when i opened the edit product page the product name, price,etc doesnt load at all, and when i checked the var/log/exception.log i got the following error: ...
jojo's user avatar
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How to get Custom Attributes in Carts Item REST API?

End Point: /rest/V1/carts/mine/ Added Custom Attribute Name: Unit Type: Dropdown Response: { "id": 10, "created_at": "2019-10-19 10:23:20", "updated_at": "2019-11-01 09:27:51", "is_active":...
LearnerElan's user avatar
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How do I get a EAV Attribute Option Label from Option Id?

I have a custom eav attribute on a product that is a of type dropdown. When the product is saved, the attribute is saved as the optionId. How do I get its label to be able to display it properly on ...
wesleywmd's user avatar
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How to Get Weight Attribute in Totals Cart REST API Magento 2.X

How Can i Get Weight Attribute in Cart REST API. End Point: /rest/V1/carts/mine/ Response Default: { "id": 8, "created_at": "2019-09-16 13:51:25", "updated_at": "2019-09-18 12:07:31", "...
LearnerElan's user avatar
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EAV load collection issue (High Load Time)

We have an eCommerce platform. The issue is that when we increased the products to ~3000, the EAV:load_collection is taking a lot of time(~20 sec) and eventually slowing the site. If I remove the ...
Baljit Magento 2 's user avatar
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What is the "static" backend type in EAV attribute Magento 2?

In the "eav_attribute" table I discovered that some attributes have the backend type set to "static". Example, attribute_code = 'telephone' & entity_type_id = 2 resulted in a "static" backend ...
Alfredo Lanzetta's user avatar
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4 answers

Magento 2.X: Customer custom attribute is not saving from admin or code

I have an issue I can't find why. I tried the issue on Magento 2.3.1 and 2.3.2. I have created a module to add a new customer attribute. No issue for the moment. When I try to save the customer from ...
Taschert's user avatar
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Looking up Product Attributes and Customizable Options

I'm working with info_buyRequest data stored in Quotes. There are cases where super attributes as well as options are present in the buyRequest. These appear purely as DB id's, and I am trying to ...
Nico's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.0 - Migrated from - Some attributes not updating on product save

Having some weird trouble with a migrated M2 website. I've seen some resources on here, but they all don't seem to be showing the same symptoms. Migrated a site using the Magento tool - all went ...
Thomas Harding's user avatar
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how to get a dynamic customer attribute option from eav_atrribute_option _value table in magento 2

how to get a dynamic attribute options from eav_atrribute_option _value table in magento 2 app/code/Cm/CustomerAttribute/Model/Plugin/Checkout/LayoutProcessor.php <?php namespace Cm\...
Divya Sekar's user avatar
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Magento 2 Catalog Input Type for Store Owner from Visual Swatch to Dropdown programatically

How can I change Catalog Input Type for Store Owner from Visual Swatch to Dropdown in Magento 2 programmatically $eavSetup->updateAttribute(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::ENTITY, 'size', '...
Giorgi Lazashvili's user avatar
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Magento 2 :- How to get newly added options id of product attribute & Deleted option id of attribute

I want to get lastly added product attribute options id and also need to deleted option id in the following event: catalog_entity_attribute_save_after Anyone can help me with this?
Deepak Upadhyay's user avatar
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Magento 2 - join using EAV attribute

I created an EAV attribute on product entity, this attribute named user_id and has the ID of the user who's added the product. After works, I crashed on this point, I need to join tables to get ...
sayou's user avatar
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Magento 2: How to add multiple AND conditions to one single attribute that could be used to join other condition groups?

I could filter a product collection by (attribute A: condition A OR condition B) AND (attribute B: condition C OR condition D) with the following codes: $collection->addAttributeToFilter('...
d.yuk's user avatar
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Notice: Undefined index: magento_eav_attribute_set in/vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Declaration/Schema/Db/SchemaBuilder.php on line 152

bin/magento setup:upgrade Notice: Undefined index: magento_eav_attribute_set in /vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Declaration/Schema/Db/SchemaBuilder.php on line 152 If I understand correctly this is ...
Olga Bautina's user avatar
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How to create an extra field in attribute information

I am trying to add a field to the attribute information section. This should be an text field for multistore ( just like the manage titles section). Magento version: 2.2.6 Here's what I got now: I ...
Fabian's user avatar
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Magento Fatal Error on Running Installation

I am facing below Fatal Error on Magento Running installation, Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'MagentoEavModelEntityAttributeSourceTable' not found in /var/www/magento/vendor/magento/framework/...
Rahul's user avatar
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