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1 answer

Why some delivery methods are not available for some customers?

I have 4 shipping methods. The old customer gets only 2 methods. I've created the same customer with another email. It gets all 4 shipping methods. I dived into code and DB table ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Shipping charges depending on price range

Below charges should set automatically: 1)if you buy products within $0 to $50 price = $6.00 freight charges 2)if you buy products within $51 to $250 price = $12.00 freight charges 3)over $251.00 =...
2 votes
1 answer

Dutch zipcode table rates doesn't work if added characters

I have added some zipcodes to my tablerates. We deliver only in the Netherlands. I would like to add delivery costs when a zipcode is (for example) "3141 AA" I noticed that this only works when ...
7 votes
3 answers

How to add multiple flat rate shipping

I am not sure if I need table rates here, but what I need to establish is 3 shipping costs per order, to UK only... Essentially, £2.95 (3-5 days) £4.95 (1-3 days) Order over £50, free delivery I ...