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Magento 2 : How can i add custom customer address field in e-mail template?

I have added one custom Field for customer address, and i want to display in checkout page, customer my account section and in All sales email template (In Billing and Shipping Address). Please help ...
Chirag Prajapati's user avatar
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Magento 2 call customer/address/new/ form in popup

I am looking for solution to add new address form in my custom module phtml file.This form will save with ajax. I have no idea about it.Please help me.
akgola's user avatar
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How to get customer default shipping and billing address data (i am after country and postcode)

I have customer ID - Not sure how to grab the default shipping/billing address. I can get the current shipping address and billing address but not the default. Is there any way I could get the default ...
jibin george's user avatar
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New Checkout Billing Address Form Field not saving value to the database

I have added a new checkout billing address form field for entry of an optional field for the customer. Have overridden the template checkout form and able to get the field onto the form, but cannot ...
Rodders's user avatar
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Is there anyway to check shipping address country matches with billing address?

I have created an account and added a billing address in my account section. After selecting products, I get to the first /checkout page. I want to do a check does billing address country matches with ...
jibin george's user avatar
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Allowing the customer to delete their address within the checkout

I have a store which has a slightly modified checkout. I can't find the exact link right now on the original example, but I ditched the address drop-down and added an address grid where it lists the ...
Thomas Harding's user avatar
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Can you recommend a good extension we can use for Magento 2 to auto complete address during checkout?

I'm looking for an extension that we could use in our store to autocomplete the address during checkout so there will be less mistakes when customer's enter their address? I've tried to research some ...
magelanche's user avatar
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Allow multiple billing and shipping addresses only for backend

We currently use only 1 country for the billing and shipping addresses. I want to add some other countries to apply, when adding an order trough the backend. But that should only be possible in the ...
JGeer's user avatar
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