Linked Questions

11 votes
1 answer

How to automatically add a comment on order when is placed

I have the following situation: I am on the checkout page, and i have 3 Shipping methods. If i select a specific method form all 3 and i finish the order, i want a comment to be added automatically ...
Alin Lupoiu's user avatar
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how to add a discount for specific products? Shopping cart price rules

I can code in PHP and Laravel alright, so the snippet should not be difficult but I am new to Magento. I have been tasked with the request of coding a snippet that would give a 20% discount on black ...
swimmer's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom category layout not working

I created a module as per the steps described in the accepted answer from the following question: Adding custom layouts for CMS and Category use with custom module trouble However, the block updates ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

magento1.9 : Check if the customer already exist or not?

How to check whether the customer is already registered user or new user. If they are a new user the product add to cart logic should be different, If they are a registered user the product add to ...
Saranya's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Remove the items from a category automatically based on date?

I have created one category for displaying new arrivals and have added all items under this category. Now i need to delete old items (30 days old & 7 days old) from that category. This should ...
Dhanasekaran's user avatar
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Category menu linking direct to product

I have a single product and I'd like to link straight to it from the category button is this possible? For example I have a category called "custom Cut Board" I only have one product attached to the ...
Stove Spares Ltd's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Require password to purchase product?

Is there a way to password protect a single product in Magento 1? We have a product that should only be able to be purchased by customers who know the password. It could be accessible to others, as ...
willboudle's user avatar
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Magento - Remove tax from all products quote. (Update)

I saw there are some post like this but I tried that answer and dit not work. I am learning how to use magento, and What I wan to try is remove all the tax from the cliente when them have add 3 ...
mohamet monte's user avatar
0 votes
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Delivery date and time based on city

I am using Magento ver. with SM Market Template, we have delivery services to few cities, I want to have the city as dropdown list during checkout and to assign the delivery date and time ...
Reshad Zazai's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Customer Account Edited By Admin Hook

I am currently running magento 1.9 on my site. I am using Nerzarbeiter Customer Group Catalog. I have added an attributes to my customers with the name is_activated and has_trained_in. What I am ...
tom Bannister's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Write timestamp for addressbook change

Login to the website frontend in a customer account. Click on "Account information" and edit some information (firstname, lastname, ...). Click on the save button. Now login to the magento backend ...
Tommy's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 observer not activating on event

I have an observer I want to run when the following event is triggered:<sales_quote_address_collect_totals_after> I am basing my configuration on this: How to create an new observer on the ...
Eric Brown's user avatar
0 votes
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Magento integration with POS machine

We are planning to integrate Magento(1.9) with POS machine at our physical store. We need to implement the following features When an order is placed online the Magento will share the order ...
Sygman's user avatar
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How can i perform event and observer in Magento 1.9?

I need urgent solution. I'm newbie Magento Learner. How can I complete this task. Before Product save -> Build Event -> print die in Observer.
Dhruv Prajapati's user avatar