Linked Questions

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Magento 2.3 | Starting with Theming [duplicate]

Given Scenario: For learning and understanding the Magento 2 Theming Stuff better and get a closer look i woud like to create my own theme from scratch. I want to create a basic one, no backend ...
Marcel H.'s user avatar
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How can I start custom theme development from scratch in Magento 2? [duplicate]

I have installed Magento 2.1.1 version. I am familiar with the functions which are used in the admin panel of the magento2.1.1 but now i want to develop custom theme. What are the prerequisites to ...
gopal sutar's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Make custom theme in magento [duplicate]

I am designing a store and finding it hard to customize a theme. I have worked on html only but not on xml so please ignore my mistakes. Is it good to make your own-theme or should i stick with the ...
tech_geek's user avatar
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how to create custom theme in magento2 [duplicate]

I want to create magento theme and inherit the default functionality can any one tell me verified view how to create it.I used many tutorial but not for good thanks in advance .
Monu Kumar's user avatar
30 votes
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Theming - starting from scratch

What is the preferred method of beginning a full site build, from scratch? My builds typically begin from fully mocked-up HTML5 wireframe pages, and we plug in functionality from there. But, part of ...
philwinkle's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Overriding CSS without using !important everywhere

I'm working on a Magento 2 site at the moment for a client. Suppose my client's brand is boofar and the theme I'm trying to extend/override is foobar I've set as the parent theme using frontend/...
Francis Kim's user avatar
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Error 503 Backend fetch failed

I'm trying to create a new theme by following '…/front…/themes/theme-create.html' or 'Theming for Magento 2 - Starting from scratch' this tutorial but once everything was ...
Mustafa Irshad's user avatar
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Parent theme necessary?

I am creating custom theme in magento 2. Is it necessary to assign parent theme to my new custom theme. <parent>Vendor/theme</parent> I want to develop whole things from the scratch, ...
Muhammad Bilal khan's user avatar
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How to create a magento 2 Child and parent custom theme?

Please explain how to setup a child theme with step by step instructions.
Pankaj Patel's user avatar
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how i set the checkout cart xml file in magento 2?

This is my code in magento1 <checkout_cart_index translate="label"> <label>Shopping Cart</label> <remove name="right"/> <remove name="left"/> &...
Rahul Katoch's user avatar
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Magento 2 How is Layout.xml rendered to html file

I have this catalog_product_view.xml in my theme layout folder. I want to edit the html code for this part all-products-left-wrapper, <referenceContainer name="content"> <container name=...
Magento Learner's user avatar
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How to prevent theme inheritance

Does anyone know how to prevent your custom theme from inheriting from a parent theme like blank or luma? This apparently is adding its own css, and js, files to the page and is interfering with our ...
pollom's user avatar
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Best way to build css files in Magento 2

We are currently developing a new Magento 2 store. Therefore we are going to use the default Luma theme and edit it to fit our needs. We need to write a lot of new css rules to fit our brand identiy. ...
JGeer's user avatar
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Best pratices to update the module-checkout

I want to add some custom text test to my mini top cart in my theme header section. I see it is located here: public_html/m2/vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/minicart.phtml ...
Ryan Collingwood's user avatar
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How do i add Static files (styles and scripts) Magento 2 via AWS lightsail [duplicate]

Looking for some help here regarding adding styles and scripts(.css, and .js files) to a header on my page. I know that i have to be on developer mode to do this but i don't know where i have to put ...
rav narayan's user avatar

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