I have an observer method that triggers upon the event sales_order_creditmemo_save_after, basically when a credit memo was created. The method I have fires:

public function handleCreditmemoCreation(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        //$observer contains data passed from when the event was triggered.
        $fp = fopen('/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/magento-1/var/log/request.log', 'a');
        fwrite($fp, $observer->getData());
        fwrite($fp, 'test');

However, $observer->getData() doesn't output anything into the request.log log file. To confirm I configured the file correctly, I write the string 'test' to the file, which works.

Also, when I check $observer for null, it tells me that $observer is not null. Does anyone know why then it does not seem to contain anything?

1 Answer 1


To access observer passed data you'd always use $observer->getEvent()


Where XXX is variable, as every event can contain different data

In your case, if you browse Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo class, you will find this properties

protected $_eventPrefix = 'sales_order_creditmemo';
protected $_eventObject = 'creditmemo';

First of them tells us the event prefix this model will use when firing standard Magento model events. For instance: sales_order_creditmemo_save_after (yours), sales_order_creditmemo_delete_before, etc...

The second tells us the object passed in that events. So, in your concrete case, you can access creditmemo object this way...

$observer->getEvent()->getData('creditmemo'); // same result
  • hey, thanks for the reply. I tried your code; however, I still get no data:(
    – Kevin Wu
    Commented Jan 28, 2016 at 21:38
  • You can update your question with the updated code, so I can see what are you trying to do. For instance, you cannot log a XXX->getData() as a string, cause it is not a string. Do a print_r(XXX->getData()), and then check what info do you want to log Commented Jan 28, 2016 at 21:42
  • ok, it worked. Thanks a lot. It turns out that fwrite() can only log strings as you mentioned. Using print_r, I was able to print the returned array to a log file.
    – Kevin Wu
    Commented Jan 29, 2016 at 0:02

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