I have coded a module with 3 features (and 3 menupoints). Then i copied the menu-section and edited it so it is useable as ACL resource.

It looks like this (adminhtml.xml):

        <MyModule translate="title" module="MyModule">
                <feature1 translate="title" module="MyModule">
                    <MyModule translate="title" module="MyModule">
                            <feature1 translate="title" module="MyModule">

now the strange thing is, it is working, but in magento if I edit the the roles it doesnt show up as checked its always unchecked in role resources. I even checked the database and it saved the correct value (allow/deny).

4 Answers 4


In my case problem was with this xml node

<MyModule translate="title" module="MyModule">

make it camel-case

<myModule translate="title" module="MyModule"> 

or make it lowercase (in my case lower is worked)

<mymodule translate="title" module="MyModule"> 

I suggest you add the following to your code:

    <title>Allow Everything</title>

So your acl part looks like this:

            <title>Allow Everything</title>
                <MyModule translate="title" module="MyModule">
                        <feature1 translate="title" module="MyModule">
  • Thanks for the suggestion, but sadly it didn't fix my problem :/ Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 16:53
  • Did you logout and log back in to the admin ? Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 16:54
  • I assigned the role to another user. When I login with that user the role is applied correctly, for example if I only allow MyModule, I only get the Menupoint from MyModule. Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 16:57

The resource identifiers should be all lowercase. You can see in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Permissions_Tab_Rolesedit that strtolower() is used on the identifier when it's determined if the item is checked:

if (array_key_exists(strtolower($itemResourceId), $resources)) {
    if ($item->isAllowed()) {
        $resources[$itemResourceId]['checked'] = true;
        array_push($selrids, $itemResourceId);

I don't know why this is, especially since it seems to work otherwise, but if you change the keys in adminhtml.xml from MyModule to mymodule it should work.


I tested this error on two Systems when i posted it here, but it seems to be there was an error in our setup of magento, i dont know where exactly, but when i tried it on a third magento setup it worked as it should.

So i assume there was nothing wrong with the module, but with the way i installed magento CE 1.9

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