I've installed a new Magento 2 installation with Softaculous on my hostingserver. After installation I would change the default deployment mode to production but I have the following error (using SSH):
foo@en07-phx [~/public_html/m2test/bin]# php magento deploy:mode:show
Current application mode: default.
foo@en07-phx [~/public_html/m2test/bin]# php magento deploy:mode:set production
Enabled maintenance mode
Static content deployment start
Command returned non-zero exit code:
`php -f /home/foo/public_html/m2test/bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US 2>&1`
Anyone knows what could be wrong? Because I'm using v2.0.0.0, this might be fixed already in a newer version on Github but I'm not able to install that using softaculous and I have no clue on how to use Composer from my hostingprovider.
Edit1: Following the suggestion of @Silvan (by running the command seperately), I get the following output:
=== frontend -> Magento/blank -> en_US ===
Successful: 1965 files; errors: 0
=== frontend -> Magento/luma -> en_US ===
Successful: 1965 files; errors: 0
=== adminhtml -> Magento/backend -> en_US ===
Successful: 1843 files; errors: 0
=== Minify templates ===
Successful: 845 files modified
Edit2: This is independent of Softaculous installer because I have the same problem with a manual installation of the latest github code as of today (2016/01/12).
Edit3: Raised a github issue. https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/2972