I added below code


$installer = new Mage_Sales_Model_Mysql4_Setup;
$attribute  = array(
    'group'                     => 'General',
        'input'                     => 'select',
        'type'                      => 'int',
        'label'                     => 'Mobile (api)',
        'source'                    => 'eav/entity_attribute_source_boolean',
        'global'                    => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
        'visible'                   => 1,
        'required'                  => 0,
        'visible_on_front'          => 0,
        'is_html_allowed_on_front'  => 0,
        'is_configurable'           => 0,
        'searchable'                => 0,
        'filterable'                => 0,
        'comparable'                => 0,
        'unique'                    => false,
        'user_defined'              => false,
        'default'           => '0',
        'is_user_defined'           => false,
        'used_in_product_listing'   => true
$installer->addAttribute('catalog_category', 'mobile_api', $attribute);


in my header.phtml for create custom attribute in category portion. I know it's not a best practice while adding db code in .phtml.

can you please anyone tell me where i have to add?

2 Answers 2


Follow bellow steps

Step : 1 app\etc\modules\AR_Dbchange.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Step : 2 app\code\local\AR\Dbchange\etc\config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Step : 3 app\code\local\AR\Dbchange\sql\ar_dbchange_setup\mysql4-install-0.1.0.php


$installer = $this;

$attribute  = array(
    'group'                     => 'General',
        'input'                     => 'select',
        'type'                      => 'int',
        'label'                     => 'Mobile (api)',
        'source'                    => 'eav/entity_attribute_source_boolean',
        'global'                    => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
        'visible'                   => 1,
        'required'                  => 0,
        'visible_on_front'          => 0,
        'is_html_allowed_on_front'  => 0,
        'is_configurable'           => 0,
        'searchable'                => 0,
        'filterable'                => 0,
        'comparable'                => 0,
        'unique'                    => false,
        'user_defined'              => false,
        'default'           => '0',
        'is_user_defined'           => false,
        'used_in_product_listing'   => true
$installer->addAttribute('catalog_category', 'mobile_api', $attribute);


Step : 4 After refresh all magento cache to admin side (System -> Cache Management) and logout ,login again


you can do via custom set up script.

$installer = $this;

$entityTypeId     = $installer->getEntityTypeId('catalog_category');
$attributeSetId   = $installer->getDefaultAttributeSetId($entityTypeId);
$attributeGroupId = $installer->getDefaultAttributeGroupId($entityTypeId, $attributeSetId);

$installer->addAttribute('catalog_category', 'new_cat_attrb',  array(
    'type'     => 'int',
    'label'    => 'New Category Attribute',
    'input'    => 'text',
    'global'   => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_STORE,
    'visible'           => true,
    'required'          => false,
    'user_defined'      => false,
    'default'           => 0

    '11'                    //last Magento's attribute position in General tab is 10

$attributeId = $installer->getAttributeId($entityTypeId, 'new_cat_attrb');

INSERT INTO `{$installer->getTable('catalog_category_entity_int')}`
(`entity_type_id`, `attribute_id`, `entity_id`, `value`)
    SELECT '{$entityTypeId}', '{$attributeId}', `entity_id`, '1'
        FROM `{$installer->getTable('catalog_category_entity')}`;

//this will set data of your custom attribute for root category

//this will set data of your custom attribute for default category




or you can also visit another solution at bellow link.


I hope this will help you.

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