Running Magento Enterprise 1.14.
My client makes very frequent changes to the content of their store. Things like new products, changing product details, prices, inventory, stock, images, etc. etc. Naturally, this means that the Magento cache and/or indexes have to frequently be refreshed.
This, in turn, has a knock-on effect on performance, because if the cache is being purged ten times a day, there's zero chance for any meaningful amount of cached data or cached full pages to accumulate.
Customers unlucky enough to view a page at the exact moment of a heavy reindex might also see some "funny" looking pages.
Is there a setup which would allow me to maintain a steady level of caching and indexing while still allowing users to make frequent changes?
Some notes:
- I'm aware performance should not rely on the cache. That's not what this question is about.
- I do use a FPC pre-warmer/crawler but to little effect.
- I've considered deploying a staging server where changes could be made and then fully cached, then simply doing a bulk insert/update between the two Magento databases - stupid or potentially workable?