we are using this code for updating the price .

once we click on "update" button its displaying as like in image .

what we need is once we click on "update" buttton, than " Update" and "cancel" button should hide.

for "cancel" button, its working fine. once we click on "cancel" buttton, than " Update" and "cancel" button is hidingenter image description here.

<span class="label pro_status">
    <?php //echo $products->getPrice(); ?>

        <span id="valueprice_<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>"><?php echo $products->getPrice(); ?></span>
    <input type = "text" id = "price_<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>" onkeydown="validateNumbers(event)" "name = "price" value = "<?php echo $products->getPrice(); ?>" style = "display:none"/>

    <!-- aki 2 -->
    <span class="label wk_action" id="edit_link_<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>">
<img onclick="showFieldPrice('<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>'); return false;" 
src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('marketplace/images/icon-edit.png'); ?>"/>
    <p id="updatedprice_<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>" style = "display:none;color:red;">Updated</p><br/>
    <button id="price_update_button_<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>" class="button wk_mp_btn1" onclick="updateFieldPrice('<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>'); return false;" style="display:none" >
                <span><span style="font-size:12px;"><?php echo $helper->__('Update') ?></span></span>
    <button id="price_reset_button_<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>" type="reset" class="cancel" onclick="hideResetPrice('<?php echo $products->getId(); ?>'); return false;" style="display:none" >
<span><span><?php echo $helper->__('Cancel') ?></span></span>


function updateFieldPrice(product_id)
            var priceId = '#price_'+ product_id;
            var valueId = '#valueprice_'+ product_id;
            var updatedqty = '#updatedprice_'+ product_id;

            var editLink = "#price_edit_link_"+ product_id;
            var updateButton = "#price_update_button_"+ product_id;
            var resetButton = "#price_reset_button"+ product_id;
            var url ='<?php echo Mage::getUrl('marketplace/marketplaceaccount/updateFieldPrice/')?>';



            $price = $wk_jq(priceId).val();

  • 1
    $wk_jq(updateButton).show(); change this to $wk_jq(updateButton).hide(); Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 12:08
  • update button is hiding, but cancel button is visible Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 12:20
  • 1
    $wk_jq(resetButton).show(); to $wk_jq(resetButton).hide(); Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 12:21
  • 1
    var resetButton = "#price_reset_button"+ product_id; change this to var resetButton = "#price_reset_button_"+ product_id; Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 12:26
  • 1
    post ur comment as answer..... Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 12:29

1 Answer 1


make these three changes..

$wk_jq(updateButton).show(); change this to $wk_jq(updateButton).hide();

var resetButton = "#price_reset_button"+ product_id; change this to var resetButton = "#price_reset_button_"+ product_id;

$wk_jq(resetButton).show(); to $wk_jq(resetButton).hide(); 

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