I tried to transfer my e-commerce on another server, following the normal way:

1) I moved all the files and folder on the new server 2) I did the backup of the database, create a new database on the new server and restored beckup 3) I updated references to new databese on file local.xml 4) I pointed the new domain to the root of Magento

However when I try to access the site from the new domain or if I try to access to the admin area, the site gives me just the update page of the site ("we are updating the store ...").

What's wrong? What should I do?

  • 1
    is there a file maintenance.flag in the root folder? if so, delete it
    – MW Millar
    Commented Oct 24, 2015 at 8:38

1 Answer 1


With cpanel file manager, goto your site and delete all contents in public_html/var/cache and public_html/var/session.

This should work


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