Is FedEx extension in build in Magento configurable for shipping within India. I have tried configuring the same with all the required details from FedEx developer section but it fails to calculate the shipping cost and returns that shipping is not configured.

  • debug and update your request and response here Oct 15, 2015 at 5:46

1 Answer 1


In order for the India to India domestic shipping to work you need to add in a PurposeOfShipment type to the request. This line is not standard in Magento's code for Fedex shipping. That line will be added into CustomsClearanceDetail header as a child under CommercialInvoice then a line under that is Purposewhich can have any value that PurposeOfShipment has.

Here is an example of the request I used that returned proper shipping estimates for India to India shipping.

'CustomsClearanceDetail' => array(
     'CommercialInvoice' => array(
       'Purpose' => "SOLD"

Also Rates for some reason won't work with test credentials,whereas for production they are working fine!

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