I have to change logo for existing magento login page and backend page with new one. Is there any function to change ?
Here is login page image and backend page image :
I have to change logo for existing magento login page and backend page with new one. Is there any function to change ?
Here is login page image and backend page image :
Login page logo is a background element in css file of your theme so this is the quickest way if you dont want to edit css file.
To change logo in Login page, you need to upload and replace login_logo.gift in adminhtml/default/default/images/login_logo.gift
For backend page, you can either upload/replace /skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/logo.gif
or upload newlogo.gif and change the following line in /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/page/header.phtml
Hope this helps!
Reference source: http://magentoexplorer.com/how-to-change-default-magento-logo-in-backend-and-frontend
Upload new logo in your skin folder then change image name here
<a href="<?php echo $this->getHomeLink() ?>"><img src="<?php echo
$this->getSkinUrl('images/logo.gif') ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->__('Magento Logo') ?>"
If you want to update/change logo from Magento backend (without using FTP) then you can do the following:
CMS -> Static Blocks
)Insert Image
button. Click on it.
. Then, the image path will be http://your-website.com/media/wysiwyg/logo.png
System -> Configuration -> Design -> Header
Logo Image Src
to ../../../../../media/wysiwyg/logo.png
. This has to be done because by default Magento fetches image from skin/frontend/smartwave/porto/images
Very Simple to change the magento backend logo.
None of the answers here give a proper solution. They either miss the point completely (the question is about the logos in the backend, not frontend) or they offer temporary solutions that only work until Magento is updated, at which point the custom files are overwitten and you are back to square one.
The recommended method is to create a custom module, as explained in the accepted solution here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16419081/how-can-i-change-logo-of-magento-in-backend