I'm interested in creating a billing module to generate monthly bills for my business customers (Not the same as recurring billing!).
I'm using both a website and regular in store POS, which is connected to magento. When a business registers as a customer, they are allowed to order goods in store or online and receive them without paying upfront. At the end of each month, a bill is generated showing all the customer orders; the date each was ordered, items ordered, the price and total due to be paid.
I was able to allow the business customer group to place orders without paying by using an extension that allows me to set a specific payment method for a specified customer group (in this case business).
NEEDS: Now the next part of the puzzle is to find a way to generate a pdf for each business customer, displaying their account information, orders place within that month and the total due to be paid. This can then be printed or emailed to each customer.
I have searched high and low for an extension that is at least close to what i need, but i was unsuccessful in finding one.
As you can see, with the current Magento system an invoice and shipment has to be created for each order.
SOLUTION: I believe 1 solution could be to group each business customers orders under 1 invoice# each month, so i can generate that one invoice showing the array of order items for that period. after which a new invoice# will be assigned for the new month, which that months orders will be grouped under, repeating the process.
so essentially, when a business customer places an order, it will automatically do the invoicing placing the order under that months invoice number. at the end of that month the bill is generated and sent to the business, when payment is received, the shipping process is done to completing the process.
Is this a solution/workflow that will work within the magento system or do i need to come up with another solution?
any help will be appreciated. Thanks...