Figured it out by myself.
Above code returns nothing because attribute (size) is assigned only to simple products (associated products) and all simple product's visibility is set to 1 i.e, not visible individually.
Step 1 : Remove visibility to 1, now i can get list of all simple products (associated products) which is assigned to size 3.
Step 2 : Join table catalog_product_super_link to get parent product associated with it.
Complete code is,
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()
array('attribute'=> 'color','like' => '12')
// multiple filters can be achieved by adding another filterattribute
array('attribute'=> 'size','like' => '3')
$collection->getSelect()->joinLeft(array('link_table' => 'catalog_product_super_link'),'link_table.product_id = e.entity_id',
foreach($collection as $product) {
$ids[] = $product->getParentId();
echo json_encode($ids);
Hope this may help to someone.