I have WebShop Matrix Rates extension in my store through which I have defined city-to-city and weight wise rates.They work perfectly fine without this new OneStep Checkout extension however when I enable this extension the rates do not get displayed in one step checkout page and the product is billed without shipping rate. Any help? The one step checkout extension is Lotus Breath-One Step Checkout
Did you ever faced by following issue? Is possible can i enter weight as KG in webshopapps metrix rate, because Default UPS, FEDEX, DHL required products weight as KG, but i am using Grams for webshopapps metrix rate. Is possible can i use products weight as KG in webshopapps metrix rate.– zusCommented Mar 22, 2018 at 6:26
2 Answers
I am using version 3.1.2 of LotusBreath One Step Checkout and I had the same problem. U only have to uncomment one line of code
On file /app/code/local/Lotusbreath/OneStepCheckout/Block/Onepage/Shipping/Method/Available.php
Uncomment line 55
Refresh cache and you are done ;D
can you help me regard Matrix rate magento.stackexchange.com/q/241323/39050 @Rohit, Carlos– GemCommented Sep 7, 2018 at 13:10
I'd check the code that displays the shipping rates in the One Step Checkout extension, and also take a look at the code in WebShop Matrix Rates to ensure it's correct.
Without looking at the code, I'd assume the WebShop Matrix Rates layout XML file (Probably in design/frontend/base/default/layout
) references the <checkout_onepage_shippingmethod>
block which is probably different to that of your One Step Checkout extension.