I have a form container with save button . This is the method that the save button call.
public function saveAction(){
$userId = Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->getUser()->getId();
$user = Mage::getModel('admin/user')->load($userId);
return $this->_redirect('*/*/index');
This method create another element in shopSetting_entity, but I want the attributes value is modified.
I also try using
But in this case Magento add a row in shopSetting_entity_int with same entity_type_id,attribute_id,store_id,entity_id and does not modify the old one.
(int is the type of attribute_name)
I also try with
But the result is always the same.
In particular case of the method saveAttribute of Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Abstract I note that this method distinguishes between the update and insertion, this is the code:
$select = $adapter->select()
->from($table, 'value_id')
$origValueId = $adapter->fetchOne($select);
if ($origValueId === false && ($newValue !== null)) {
$this->_insertAttribute($object, $attribute, $newValue);
} elseif ($origValueId !== false && ($newValue !== null)) {
$this->_updateAttribute($object, $attribute, $origValueId, $newValue);
} elseif ($origValueId !== false && ($newValue === null)) {
$adapter->delete($table, $where);
but _insertAttribute and _updateAttribute call the same method _saveAttribute
protected function _insertAttribute($object, $attribute, $value)
return $this->_saveAttribute($object, $attribute, $value);
protected function _updateAttribute($object, $attribute, $valueId, $value)
return $this->_saveAttribute($object, $attribute, $value);
maybe there's a bug