how can i create a payment gateway module that will redirect the customer to an external url when the customer places an order? I have tried using ultimate module creator but my module isn't appearing in the payment methods tab in the configurations menu.

  • What's your Magento Version? Commented May 16, 2016 at 10:26

3 Answers 3


You can find skeleton to integrate custom payment gateway

Git Link for Magento_Payment_Gateway_Skeleton

Compatible with all magento 1.x version


You must create a public function in your payment model called: getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl() and returns the (internal) URL where you should implement the code for the redirection. You can take a look at paypalStandard method to figure out exactly what to do.


Follow steps to create a custom payment gateway, here are some options. Then for the redirect to an external url, use this function: _redirectUrl().


To redirect when the customer places an order:

In your gateway Model:

public function getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl()
return Mage::getUrl('payment_gateway/index/redirect');

In your gateway Index Controller:

public function redirectAction() 

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