I am about 3 months into Magento at this point. I have worked with static blocks core_blocks being used in a store for categories to either supplement or replace the category list. I know these are referenced in table eav_attribute as value='landing_page'.

I would like to find out our "orphaned" static blocks. Where else can static blocks be used, and what are the possible values in the eav tables that would identify them?

  • Did you tag this question correctly? Magento v1.4? Jul 22, 2015 at 13:17
  • yes - this is the version we are using. Perhaps you could share any difference later versions use blocks for as well, of course. Jul 22, 2015 at 13:32
  • 1
    I was just surprised as 1.4 is quite old and VERY buggy. There are multiple high-priority security fixes in later versions. Jul 24, 2015 at 18:27

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately there is no final answer to this, static blocks can be included in many different ways.

Core features

  • Static blocks can be included in the CMS, using a widget directive: Search for widget type="cms/widget_block" in cms_page.content and cms_block.content
  • Static blocks can be added as widget instances. Search for widget instances with the type "CMS Static Block": screenshot widget instances

    (or in the database: select * from widget_instance where instance_type='cms/widget_block')

  • Static blocks can be added with layout XML like this:

    <block type="cms/block" name="foobar">
        <action method="setBlockId"><block_id>the_block_id</block_id></action>

    Search for <action method="setBlockId"> in catalog_product_entity_text and catalog_category_entity_text. There are several attributes that contain layout XML updates.

Extension/Theme features

  • Extensions could add their own EAV attributes that refer to a static block, similar to landing_page, or configuration values (in the core_config_data table). Search for 'cms/block' in app/code/community and app/code/local to find out where static blocks are used.
  • Also search in app/design, there might be hard coded includes.
  • There might be WYSIWYG attributes with widgets enabled, so search for widget type="cms/widget_block" in catalog_product_entity_text, catalog_category_entity_text and eav_entity_text.
  • Search for <action method="setBlockId"> in app/design/frontend to find blocks added via layout XML in the theme.
  • Good works... :)
    – Amit Bera
    Jan 4, 2016 at 8:29

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