I have joined 2 columns to customer grid, I can make them filterable but I don't know how to make them sortable. Here is my _prepareCollection function:

protected function _prepareCollection()
    $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/customer_collection')
    return parent::_prepareCollection();

My joined function:

public function addSalesInfoPerCustomer() {
        array('s' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(SELECT sum(o.base_grand_total) total_sales, COUNT(*) as order_count, customer_id'
          . ' FROM ' . Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('sales/order') . ' AS o'
          . ' GROUP BY customer_id)')),
        "s.customer_id = e.entity_id",
        array('total_sales', 'order_count')

Added Column:

$this->addColumn('order_count', array(
      'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Total Orders'),
      'index' => 'order_count',
      'filter_index' => 'pages_with_number_of_views.order_count',
      'filter_condition_callback' => array($this, '_roleFilter'),

    $this->addColumn('total_sales', array(
      'header' => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Total Sales'),
      'index' => 'total_sales',
      'type' => 'price',
      'currency_code' => Mage::app()->getStore()->getBaseCurrency()->getCode(),
      'filter_condition_callback' => array($this, '_roleFilterTotalSales'),

Can anyone help me please ?


1 Answer 1


I have founded the answered after a few days. The solution for this kind of problem is added this function to grid: (overwrite _setCollectionOrder in parent grid class).

protected function _setCollectionOrder($column)
    $collection = $this->getCollection();
    if ($collection) {
      $columnIndex = $column->getFilterIndex() ? $column->getFilterIndex() : $column->getIndex();
      if($columnIndex == 'pages_with_number_of_views.order_count')
        $columnIndex = 'order_count';
        $collection->getSelect()->order($columnIndex.' '.strtoupper($column->getDir()));
      if($columnIndex == 'total_sales'){
        $collection->getSelect()->order($columnIndex.' '.strtoupper($column->getDir()));
        $collection->setOrder($columnIndex, strtoupper($column->getDir()));
    return $this;
  • 1
    I really appreciate this :)
    – HungDQ
    Commented Jul 15, 2015 at 2:25

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