To give a context for my question, we are actually migrating to Magento from Interspire Shopping Cart. In Interspire, the payment form would be displayed after everything else, especially the Order Review/Summary. At this last step of the checkout, we just display an iframe, which displays a payment form hosted on our payment gateway's server (since we're not PCI compliant). In Magento, however, the last part isn't the payment form, but the Order Review.
So my question is, would it be possible at all to create a payment method that uses an iframe (instead of redirecting to a payment page after "Place Order" is clicked)? This iframe would display the payment form hosted on our payment gateway's server.
I ask this because based on what I've read, and after playing with my code, it seems that it is not possible in Magento. Displaying this iframe, for example, on Step 4 (Payment Information) would mean that when the form is filled out and submitted by the user, the page would redirect to a success page, thereby bypassing Step 5 (Order Review). And even this won't work because it is actually in Step 5 (after Place Order is clicked) where the success page is even defined. So after submitting the payment form (in an iframe) in Step 4, it wouldn't know what to do next.
I also tried to research how to put this iframe in Step 5 instead of Step 4, having it appear after "Place Order" is clicked, but couldn't find anything.
So, is it possible to create an iframe-based payment method in Magento? If so could you point me to some resources, because I've googled a lot and haven't found anything useful.