I'm using the contacts module to output different contactforms in different stores in a multishop environment.
I insert my contact form like this:
{{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" template="contacts/form.phtml" form_action="/mycontacts/index/post"}}
I created some transactional email templates, one per store.
In backend I choose different email-templates, one per store.
This all works. And I receive E-Mails.
But here is my problem:
The email I receive has proper subject: the subject I entered in System->transactional emails-> template XY
But the mail body seems to be some other
This is my system email template:
Name: {{var data.vorname}} {{var data.name}}
Firma: {{var data.company}
Straße: {{var data.street}}
Ort: {{var data.city}}
Land: {{var data.land}}
E-Mail: {{var data.email}}
Telefon: {{var data.telephone}}
Kommentar: {{var data.comment}}
This is what I receive:
Name: MyName
Ort: MyCity
E-Mail: MyEmail
Telefon: MyTelephone
Kommentar: MyComment
How can this be?