I was trying to define some exceptions, and one of them is about the volume of the product. I've got width-length-height attributes in the products. And i was trying to get the total of these 3 attributes of all the products at my cart.

So i was trying things like this:

$cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
        $totalV= 0;

        foreach ($cart->getAllItems() as $item) {

        $prod_W = $item->getAttributeText('dp_width');
        $prod_H = $item->getAttributeText('dp_height');
        $prod_L = $item->getAttributeText('dp_length');
        $totalV += $prod_H + $prod_L +$prod_W;


        <input type = "hidden" class = "onestepcheckout-vol-prod" value = "<?php echo $totalV;?>
               " >

I tries to using $item->getProduct()->getAttributeText('X'); but it gives me an error.

How could i get these values ?

  • try the $item->getData('dp_width'); Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 9:42
  • What error are you getting?
    – Mufaddal
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 9:48

5 Answers 5


Load product in foreach is a bad idea, though working.

Better way:

in config.xml



  • And then i could get the attribute as $item->getAttributeText('dp_width');
    – ntzz
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 9:57
  • Yes, exactly, this is the correct variant!
    – Neklo.com
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 10:04
  • This is actual process +1 vote
    – Amit Bera
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 10:10
  • and for getting try $item->getProduct()->getAttributeText('dp_width');
    – Amit Bera
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 10:11
  • Before making it, and cleaning cache, i make a try and gives me this error: Call to a member function getSource() on a non-object in /home/XXX/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product.php
    – ntzz
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 10:34

you can try this:




I have Using product Resource model

  • Dont run, i think it´s because this values are not printed on frontend, so it returns 0.
    – ntzz
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 10:52

$item donot have all the attributes information in quote, so the above code will not work.

instead you can try the below code

$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getProductId());

  • As you say, i try like you, But at the end, it gives me the same error as i say at final: Call to a member function getSource() on a non-object
    – ntzz
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 9:46

Load Product in foreach

$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getProduct()->getId());

you can able to get Product attributes like this

  • The same error as i say to the other mate down Call to a member function getSource() on a non-object
    – ntzz
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 9:48
  • 'Show in Product Listing' needed to be set to yes in the attribute editor in admin
    – Mufaddal
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 9:54
  • cannot do this .
    – ntzz
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 10:13

Try this

<?php $_item = $this->getItem()?>
<?php $_product= Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product')->load($_item->getProductId()) ?>
<?php echo $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('attribute_code')->getFrontend()->getValue($_product); ?>

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