I used the following project and created a custom report: https://github.com/technodelight/magento_custom_reports_example
I changed stuff in the report. mainly there is another table joined to the data and the csv-export is customized.
So now I have the report at https://shop.tld/index.php/admin/admin/my_reports/index/
I now want another report that just changes the table joined to the data and the csv export.
So I need to change \code\local\My\Reports\Model\Mysql4\Report\Collection.php
and \code\local\My\Reports\controllers\Adminhtml\My\ReportsController.php
I want to crate two new classes and inherit from the existing two.
What I don't know is how I have to name my classes and add them to the adminhtml.xml, so it is visible at a new menu point.
It should be available at https://shop.tld/index.php/admin/admin/my_reports/[something]/ or https://shop.tld/index.php/admin/admin/[something]/index/
The adminhtml is now
<my_reports translate="title">
<title>My Custom Report</title>
I can add another part like:
<my_report_two translate="title">
<title>Another Report</title>
And it will open the url https://shop.tld/index.php/admin/admin/my_report_two/index/
But there is just a 404 error, obviously.