Product image is uploaded succesfully in admin backend, but it doesn't display on frontend product page (404 error).

The image backend url: /media/catalog/product/5/0/50_2_1_4.jpg

Frontend url: /media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/5/0/50_2_1_4.jpg and it doesn't exist on ftp.

If file size less than 1 MB, frontend image uploads ok.

I checked chmod permissions for media and all subfolders - 777.

My server has curl; image gd - enabled; file_uploads - on; upload_max_filesize - 12M; post_max_size - 20M; max_file_uploads - 20; upload_tmp_dir - no value;

I enabled/disabled/updated/flushed magento cache but nothing solved the issue.

Is it possible to remove this limit and how can I do it?

Hope for your help and thanks everyone.

1 Answer 1


Consult your error log for errors, I anticipate you are seeing a memory limit exception.

You will likely need to increase the memory_limit attribute in php.ini from the 1M it appears to be set to, to something more useful.

Mine is set to 512M at this time.

memory_limit = 512M

However, you may find your host has imposed limits, or hiding somewhere in your code is a


Which is overriding the php.ini set value.

In some cases this value can also be set in .htaccess so check there also.

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