I have a magento website with multiple stores.
In the basic configuration we use https://exampleBackend.com as Unsecure Url and Secure Url because the backend has to be in https.
On each store we use for example http://exampleFrontendEnglish.com as Unsecure Url and https://exampleFrontendEnglish.com as Secure Url. The setting for media is {{unsecure_base_url}}media/ for all stores.
When I visit one of the stores (for example http://exampleFrontendEnglish.com) the site is loaded with http but all the pictures are tried to be loaded via https which fails and I have no clue why that happens.
If I change the secure base url to http everything is loaded with http but I do not have any https anymore for secure parts.
Has someone a clue why the stores are loaded in http but medias in https? Any hint is welcome