I want to move the Language Change options from the footer to header. To do this I simply moved this code in the page.xml file of my current template:

<block type="page/switch" name="store_language" as="store_language" template="page/switch/languages.phtml"/>

Previously it was written under

<block type="page/html_footer" name="footer" as="footer" template="page/html/footer.phtml">

Now I have moved it under:

<block type="page/html_header" name="header" as="header">

Now when I refreshed the page, it is removed from footer, but doesn't show up in header. Can anyone tell what else is needed to be changed for this to take effect.

1 Answer 1


You will need to add the following code in the file page/html/header.phtml

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('store_language');?>

Put this in the HTML where you want the switch to be displayed.

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