I installed locally magento BUT i cannot login to admin panel!
WHAT TO DO?! I try absolutely everything solution in WEB!
I tried these suggested solutions
Clear the contents of the directory var/cache and try again. still NO ADMIN LOGIN
I fixed it by manually setting two core_config_data values in the database. They are as follows:
web/cookie/cookie_path = /
web/cookie/cookie_domain = "mydomain.com" still NO ADMIN LOGIN
I Opened Magento root directory and create tmp folder.
and Open “lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php“, and locate the following code:protected $_options = array( ‘cache_dir’ => null, replace with protected $_options = array( ‘cache_dir’ => ‘tmp’,
I also checked my php.ini file there is upload_tmp_dir = "c:/wamp/tmp" still NO ADMIN LOGIN
Whats wrong with local instalations of Magento guys ???
I still get the same admin page with a a url like this