I've never been a fan of the naming format that the "quick simple product creation" offers you and wondered if there is a native way to tweak it without delving into the code? For example if the configurable product name is

QWERT and I create a simple product with the configurable options of Blue and XL it creates the name as


A preferred naming format would be Qwert (Blue/XL)

I know you can uncheck the name option and adjust to what you need but I'm looking for it to automatically stick to the format that I require.


2 Answers 2


Magento it makes in controller Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_ProductController

public function quickCreateAction() {


if ($product->getSkuAutogenerate()) {
    $product->setSku($configurableProduct->getSku() . '-' . implode('-', $autogenerateOptions));

You can rewrite controller or you can do it with event/observer


Observer method code:

if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->getActionName() == 'quickCreate') {
    //generate sku as you like and make ->setData('sku', $yourSku)

A clean way to do this, is creating an observer for controller_action_predispatch_adminhtml_catalog_product_quickCreate and fill in the name automatically based on your logic, if the "autogenerate" checkbox is checked.

This goes into your config.xml:


And this is an example for your Observer.php

class SE_QuickCreate_Model_Observer
    public function setQuickcreateName(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $request = $observer->getControllerAction()->getRequest();
        $simpleProductRequest = $request->getParam('simple_product');
        if (!empty($simpleProductRequest['name_autogenerate'])) {

            $simpleProductRequest['name_autogenerate'] = false;
            $simpleProductRequest['name'] = 'YOUR LOGIC HERE';

        $request->setParam('simple_product', $simpleProductRequest);

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