We have integrate the custom checkout page. I will try to get the shipping methods and rates. I used the below code get all shipping methods but i want shipping cost also. How to get the shipping rates of the customer address
public function getActiveShippingMethods(){
$activeCarriers = Mage::getSingleton('shipping/config')->getActiveCarriers();
$allCarriers = array();
foreach($activeCarriers as $carrierCode => $carrierModel){
$options = array();
if( $carrierMethods = $carrierModel->getAllowedMethods() ){
$carrierTitle = Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers/'.$carrierCode.'/title');
foreach ($carrierMethods as $methodCode => $method) {
$code= $carrierCode.'_'.$methodCode;
$options[]=array('value'=>$code,'label'=>$carrierTitle.' '.$method);
$allCarriers[] = array('value'=>$code,'label'=>$carrierTitle.' '.$method,'label_disp'=>$carrierMethods[$methodCode]);
return $allCarriers;