I have a custom contact form on the product view, so a customer can ask a question for a specific product. In the form I have a hidden text field with the current URL, so we know which product the question is for.
I've given the field the name producturl ...
$currentUrl = Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl();
<input name="producturl" id="producturl" title="<?php echo $this->__('Product URL') ?>" value="<?php echo $currentUrl; ?>" class="input-text disabled" type="text" disabled />
I would expect the Email Template to output this field using
{{var data.producturl}}
since all other fields seem to work this way. Here is the Email Template:
Name: {{var data.name}} E-Mail-Adresse: {{var data.email}} Telefon: {{var data.telephone}} Bemerkungen: {{var data.comment}} Produkt: {{var data.producturl}}
Everything seems to be working, the email is sent and all the info is given out in the template apart from the producturl field. Can anyone give me a reason as to why this is?
Thanks in advance.