I'm using Magento
I'm wondering whether there is an easy way to display product images from a bundle product ?
(I'm quite new in Magento, don't hesitate to provide code snippets and tutorial links)
Thank you !
I'm using Magento
I'm wondering whether there is an easy way to display product images from a bundle product ?
(I'm quite new in Magento, don't hesitate to provide code snippets and tutorial links)
Thank you !
Adding selected image overview could be done by adding the following
<img id="<?php echo "bund" ;?>" src="<?php echo $adresse ;?>" />
in the file template/bundle/catalog/product/view/type/bundle/option/select.phtml". Like that.
<select onchange="bundle.changeSelection(this)" id="bundle-option-<?php echo $_option->getId() ?>" name="bundle_option[<?php echo $_option->getId() ?>]" class="bundle-option-<?php echo $_option->getId() ?><?php if ($_option->getRequired()) echo ' required-entry' ?> bundle-option-select">
<option value=""><?php echo $this->__('Choose a selection...') ?></option>
<?php foreach($_selections as $_selection): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $_selection->getSelectionId() ?>"<?php echo ($_selection->getIsDefault() && $_selection->isSaleable())?' selected="selected" ':'' ?><?php echo !$_selection->isSaleable()?' disabled="disabled" ':'' ?>><?php echo $this->getSelectionTitlePrice($_selection, false) ?></option>
<?php $adresse=$this->helper("catalog/image")->init($_selection, "small_image")->resize(50,50);?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<img id="<?php echo "bund" ;?>" src="<?php echo $adresse ;?>" />
Fill free to update the code snippets to your will.